AI is over hyped and doesn’t need to be shoved in our faces. Ugh.
AI is over hyped and doesn’t need to be shoved in our faces. Ugh.
EA will mess up the “remaster” I am sure.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Just wait for Trump’s first day. We will get this awesome federally too. So much winning! (/s)
Time for EU to simply ban Google then for non compliance.
Adobe sucks pretty hard as well.
I am curious how forcing people into an office saves money, building expenses, utilities etc etc. remote would be cheaper I would think. Large scale lay offs would save money, Musk isn’t wrong there… not sure that will make the remaining workers really work hard but yeah.
He will be confirmed. Votes will somehow come together and a few folks will make “statements” about it.
So. Much. Winning.
No thanks, especially after the election, no need to travel back to the home land haha.
For those looking for some of that same nostalgia. neocities.org