There was a much older version of this called The Jolly Roger Phone Company. The more the merrier!
There was a much older version of this called The Jolly Roger Phone Company. The more the merrier!
Yeah but this isn’t as big a deal as the clickbait headline.
Try Warhammer Space Marine 2
This is actually a good point. And here’s a video discussing the issue.
… And that’s why the Germans used it in WW2?
Don’t forget about media you already bought being limited, deauthenticated, or removed completely.
Big difference between the original atomic bombs he’s talking about and current (or even decades-old) thermonuclear weapons. This is just ignorant rambling from someone that wants to be “smart”.
Well views, yes. I’m guessing a lot of those are looking for cringe. Still crazy, but I highly doubt the implied claim that he’s influencing billions with some kind of truth.
Plane was built in 2001. Sounds like a lack of maintenance or a freak accident, not a Boeing build failure.
But I want my… Uh… (Counts)… 11-figure “bonus”
More than I expected! Wow!
Sorta. I have some lg tvs and I’ve been able to dumb a lot of it down for their lg services by using a pi-hole ad blocker and adding the lg ad service domains to the blocker. This isn’t totally what you’re asking, but I think you could block even more with some testing.
1… 2…
2 and a half…
Welp, I didn’t yet delete my account. But this did it for me.
Which is why it’s plausible. We can’t ever admit a foreign agent was involved which is why we have the magic bullet bs.
I still think Soviet-trained Cuban paramilitary killed JFK
Yeah I’ve seen that technology. But it definitely isn’t widespread.
Cops aren’t required to protect you from anything. Learn how to protect you and yours. And learn how to read situations, always.