ask me about veganism
weird how your comments got downvoted and mine got upvoted
but you havent spoken to all humans. you haven’t proven they feel pain. pain being a necessity or good is your opinion. If I think, “hmm i like being raped”, does that make it okay to do to others, or should i be smart enough to see that other people dont like it WITHOUT having to literally fucking ask them. What does this argument matter when you are the kind of mf who wouldn’t understand consent. “Uh your honor, they didnt say they werent enjoying it and thus there was no other way to tell they didnt want to have sex”
no, no i didn’t.
ah the “I’m not touching you” argument
-said the man, still following the woman
nope. you are just stubborn
wow. you already made it clear you dont understand what evidence is for or how things are proven. its no surprise you dont understand science and theories. newton was not wrong. his physics are for a different scope than einstein physics.
No it’s not the crux. Avoiding danger to protect their lives is pretty good proof.
A man follows a woman and she runs away.
The man: “she could still wanna have sex”
Maybe you’d be better seeing all the animals that mourn deaths of others.
“virtually” impossible. hehehe