I have one of those…in my bathroom and I really don’t care for it. It turns itself inside out when you use it.
I have one of those…in my bathroom and I really don’t care for it. It turns itself inside out when you use it.
So I don’t quite understand these yet but I hate Paw Patrol, what do I do?
I think so? I don’t remember now. I tried a few different ways and it came down to needing the ethernet connection so I bailed. Granted, I probably should have spent more than an hour on problem solving but I had a family hollering for me to go do stuff with them.
Ubuntu, I wanted to go Debian but the installation wanted an ethternert connection to get that accomplished and I didn’t know that/think that far ahead
I always thought it was “tows” lol
Wait, I’m confused. How are Mozilla and Firefox different? I thought what ever Mozilla decides goes…granted, I’m out of the loop.
Something IT-ish, I’m a Data Engineer
I’m struggling with teenagers being enjoyable, both of mine were monsters. They are adults and doing well now, but I wouldn’t re-do the teenage years if you paid me. I’m glad your experience was much better.
And then the grandkids show up…it’s like amping up the feelings for my kids x10
Tetris, I have to have the original controllers though.
At this point I try to disregard anything that I can tell is SEO generated though, I wonder how many more feel like me.
I used to think the same thing, but then I met my husband who rides, and now I do too. The way he explained it to me is that you need people to hear you, they may not always see you, you at least get a second chance to not get ran over if they can hear you.
My husband bought me a Garmin when they very first came out, not because we were flashy people, but he wanted to know I could get somewhere by myself if I needed to . You are not alone my friend
I had to do that one and it was no where close. It’s funny how that stuff works.
My husband’s name is Brian, I now struggle to spell brain :)
Maybe, all I know is that I haven’t had a lot of luck with it.