My spouse and I are registered to donate our bodies to a medical college. If we can advance medicine in even a small way, it is still a move to better life and health.
My spouse and I are registered to donate our bodies to a medical college. If we can advance medicine in even a small way, it is still a move to better life and health.
Write a note to let that person know how valuable and wonderful a person that they are. Using specific examples is good. This isn’t the time for vague platitudes. I would tie any gift in with how much they have done for others, and how deserving they are.
Reuters, AP, NYT, WP, and to a small extent, Ground News. I filter for high factuality. My viewing is rated as slightly skewing left, but this is caused by so many Right sources are not credible sources. Known lies are not worth my time. My biggest gripe about Ground news is that to be balanced, I must waste time on sources that are not credible. Sadly, I can listen to RT or certain USA Right leaning politicians after a little time, and hear the same news.
I forgot FP Foreign Policy and the Economist.
,25/,5 x 100/100 = 25/50 = 1/2
Why was that hard?
100/100 = 1, because any number divided by itself is 1.
And any number multiplied by 1 is still that number.
TBH, I moved the decimal over 2 places on the numerator and denominator and simplified 25/50 to 1/2 because It is easier to do in my head. Some of the other paths are too complicated when I am going to sleep.