How is clamping down on the freedom companies have to make plastic cheese, and the freedom for people to buy it… Libertarian?
Isn’t that pretty authoritarian?
How is clamping down on the freedom companies have to make plastic cheese, and the freedom for people to buy it… Libertarian?
Isn’t that pretty authoritarian?
He do what what a snoop do
Big tiddie goth girls
HDR and VRR (g-sync) compatible?
I have this!
And sometimes when I am in that mode, I can close my eyes and still see the room perfectly (including correct rotation/translation as I’m sat up in bed with my eyes closed and moving me head around like an idiot)
It’s great fun, I wish it could always be like this
Ide? Sata? M.2 baybeeee
All vegetation tastes of harse diarrhea
I don’t think you should say that anymore
Not after the Type III Dyson swarm around Sagittarius A* lost coherence, and the night sky became dark
I love owning a pitull, it’s a legal way to perform fourth trimester abortions