
☝️🤠💖 I love this freaking thing.

💢💢 If you don’t… 💢💢

🤯🔨🤠 Things could get bad. 🥰🚀🚀🚀🚀☢️

⏳⌛ I guess it’s just one of those decades. 📜🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️🗓️

  • 113 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2024


  • First of all “brotha”, you’re white, second you know nothing about the oil industry. I notice the most ruffled feathers from the haters when I report the news on your side admitting flaws. You must prefer the media that is aimed at really, really ignorant people who only comprehend the most childish narrative.

    Oilprice works with the largest names in financial news and provides news and analysis to sites such as: CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq, Fortune, TIME Magazine, Huffington Post, USA Today, CNN Money, Business Insider and hundreds of others.

  • Robust strategic strike capability 🤣 Ukraine has the full backing of the same financial system, through the very same military industrial complex supporting Israel, and you think they’re plucky underdogs who will come out on top by throwing drones at Russia’s rear. The USA has almost finished exsanguinating Ukraine completely, and now the mercenaries are getting encircled. When is Russia running out of cruise missiles, by the way? In late 2022 I heard that would be soon. You seem very informed about these matters, please fill me in!