It costs time and money. The handful of times I published articles in an open access journal, I had to pay close to $5K USD per publication.
Theoretically, researchers can publish on Mastodon or something similar but that unfortunately won’t give us the reach we need. That might be fine with well established names, but for dumb-dumbs like myself who are still trying to make a name for ourselves in our field, we want the highest impact publisher we can find. Those typically come with a price tag.
Sometimes the grant also dictates acceptable publishers where you can submit your manuscript.
Sadly, it’s not as easy as it sounds.
Amen to that 🙏🏼
Why thank you, I’ll take it off your hands.
I was a customer since 2017, cancelled my membership sometime towards the end of last year. Their service was great…when it worked. Over the past year, I have been having issues with connectivity, I know it was the VPN because connection was great once I disabled the tunnel. I have reached out to customer support a handful of times and they were VERY dismissive and rude.
That right there was the reason I cancelled my membership and switched to iVPN. So far, I have been happy over the switch.
I wish I could be called an expat instead of an immigrant, sounds less of a stigma, lucky you. Best of luck out there!
Genuine curiosity, why do you call yourself an “expat” instead of “immigrant”? Is there a difference?
How did you change the logo? I tried to do that on my instance and failed miserably. Running it through docker.
Rob and Catelyn Stark in the Red Wedding. So traumatizing!
H-1B: Skilled worker visa
I am shocked I say. Shocked.
I am running a portable LibreWolf on my work issued, locked-down-with-a-chastity-belt-and-thrown-the-keys-into-the-fires-of-Mount-Doom-in-Mordor laptop with uBlock extension installed.
Try that and see if it works.
“Israel’s war against genocide of Hamas the indigenous Palestinian population”
There you go, corrected it for you.
Imagine supporting terrorism against Palestinians. Evil
Why do I get the urge to punch him every time I see his face? So weird.
I have much respect that you are willing to engage in a civilized argument.
Now that you have pointed out what I have posted, I understand that I wasn’t being explicit enough in my definition and argument so I’ll do that here:
When I said Holocaust level, I didn’t mean it in the sense of the total amount of victims, but rather the act itself (systematic cleansing and expulsion of an ethnic race).
I hope you and I are now on the same page.
I feel like you and I are NOT on the same page, as a matter of fact, I feel like we are arguing to different points.
You seem like you are gatekeeping the definition of the Holocaust based on number of murdered casualties, I argue that the act of ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people is comparable to the Holocaust.
Please don’t create another straw man to argue over, the number of casualties was never the point, rather the act itself.
While I appreciate your thoughtful response, I disagree with the fact that we need to wait for 17million Palestinians murdered before we can liken the current genocide to the Holocaust.
The way I see it, the Holocaust was/is attributed to the systematic cleansing and expulsion of an ethnic group at a mass scale and not measured by the number of murdered people (not death, murder because that’s what it is).
You can call it whatever you want, but at the end of the day what is happening in Palestine is an ethnic cleansing at a mass scale similar to the Holocaust.
Fuck! Thanks. Anyway my…ummm…friend can have his meta footprint deleted?