As in Bounty toilet paper?
A bidet would be better.
As in Bounty toilet paper?
A bidet would be better.
Retire to some island in the middle of nowhere and build myself an evil villain lair. Once money runs out threaten for 1 Beeeellion dollars. If 300 billion usd isn’t spent then donate the rest to some child cancer hospital or something anonymously post-mortem.
Any other choice would be suboptimal.
No one should force any operating system on you. It is your personal choice and space.
Linux nerds might argue that their Vim/Emacs/Nano workflow is the bestest/fastest/etcetc but none of them will truly wish you to switch without your willingness in the process.
Corporations like Microshit and Duh’Apple do exploit their users and customers.
Consider Louis rossmann and others why Apple suxs.
Truly, dinosaurs with guns ! Glocks to stave off the extinction of the species ! What a wonderful idea, I would have never thought of that, somehow I must have heard about it somewhere before, surely !
I told the truth and people downvote the truth. It is sad. Somehow pushing “The Message” absolves people of any responsibility to what they are supporting and doing causing problems.
If you use Google Meet or Zoom or some kind of Desktop recording software, you can record yourself talking between blank or paused video while taking the online course and have the transcript + your own voiced notes with the recording as review material + courseware.
If you take the trouble of revisiting , revising, re-note-taking you might end up with better understanding and even self-generated workbook + answers too ( including your mistakes and what is a false trail or false path and the correct approach ) .
Why Dodos never get a fair shake I’ll never know.
Don’t you have a Penguin sticker on yours ? It doesnt have to be a Windows logo.
In xenophobic Japan, a foreigner especially an African is allowed to massacre Japanese people with zero consequences. The same problem will exist if a westerner enters Japan and massacres Japanese citizenry with zero consequence.
It was a very anti-Japanese ( replace Japanese with Jewish or any other ethnic or cultural or minority group ) game centered in Japan. ( Butsu buddha statue is expressly forbidden in Japan from pictorial / digital / non-real-life representations but Ubisoft decided to make a digital 3d model and place it in AC:S) with blatant disrespect and cultural-dissonance.
If it was Yagyu Juubei and Naoe or some similar Japanese main-characters there would be almost no backlash . Edit2: complete rejection as non-immersive and non-Japanese behaviour.
Edit: Listen to gamers and sensible people who actually care for a good Ubisoft game.
Edit2: Listen to a Japanese perspective to the problems Ubisoft has caused Japan. An entire country offended for greedy corpos and fake DEI messaging.
Any sanitation worker, sewage diver, drain block remover, in most of the third-world countries.
We need city drainages to be repaired, cleaned, maintained, and managed with draconian safety, extremely well-compensated, hazardpay up the wazoo workers comp and complete-healthcare all covered for life. So many workers are just abused for the lifeline work that keep a city’s arteries from getting clogged and flowing smoothly.
I saw how Korean drain-workers do it with high-pressure water jets and incredible efficiency and knowhow talent of their vital job. I wish we didnt have the corruption that prevents this type of training, trained worker, worker pride in the essential labour that they do.
Same goes for recycling and reducing waste. We humans don’t do nearly enough and the Top-20 major corporations that cause 80% of worldwide pollutants go unchecked and unpunished.
Orville is a return to the ST:TNG formula that made Picard and Riker so famous and much loved.
I actually like Seth and Adriana as CiC and FO. They play off each other without seeming disingenuous.
What discomfort between Black and Asian ( esp. Indian Asian ?? ) that doesn’t exist at all. Chinese / Japanese communities may or may not have issues with Black communities, but Indians have emigrated to Africa and elsewhere without any issues with Black communities.
Not all Asian or Black communities are the same.
Aren’t there specific “Fish runs” and “Salmon runs” purposefully built to help fish migrate upstream ? Seems strange that ecological man-made structures would have been completely neglected during the entirety of the construction and management of the river(s).
Sure. If I wuz a millionaire with acres of land to buy and setup this level of equipment :-D
I will most likely either not survive the future or will be part of the peon population.
In ten years time,
Locally-sourced technology innovations.
3D-Printers in every village. ( Prints shirts, shoes, pants, socks, replacement parts )
Plant-based Plastics ( seaweed and hemp/copra/palm )
Total breakdown of Petro-chemicals ( Saudi, Iran, Indonesia, OPEC, Russia ) no more Petro-Global-economy
CNG/LNG from Biomass and big farming takeover.
Solar/Wind/Tidal Electricity generation technology maturations.
Massive Trades-based Education and less PhD based international studies.
Rapid Rebuild from MAJOR Disasters ( flooding, fires, tsunami, earthquake, volcano, hurricane, tornado, Cat-6 storms , etc )
Any country heavily dependent on Import/Export with zero local production/productivity will go back to the StoneAge ( tough reality for small countries / city-states )
Massive World-Wars everywhere. Massive Militarization ZERO Democracies surviving including USofA.
Several factors.
Genetic trait that attracts mosquitoes and biting insects.
Dietary sugars including no-sugar supplements.
BO and FO as well as high metabolism that produces significantly higher body temps and CO2 volume in breath.
BO = Body odour. FO = Foot odour.
I can tell you for a fact, in 1999, we were running Windows3.11 and MSDOS 5.x on a brand-new Pentium II ? or something like that, because the DSP-board and daughter-card system didn’t like Win2k. We were all on the network. Everyone ran Win2k Pro while loading the test codes via network / SMB/CIFs share to that machine.
Same could be done using Linux on all those systems except for the test rig.
NO YOU DO NOT have to use Windows on your desktop just for your toolchain. Put that shit on a separate test-rig and isolate it.
Best Practices and Good Standard procedures makes it possible to use Linux on the Desktop.
It is a matter of ability and talent to do things properly using the best tools at any given time.
Also true for the Indian Monsoon.
Upper Echelon on YT has part1 and part2 detailing the various attempts to coverup the incriminating evidence.
Criminals like exploiting “Identity” and that is all I will say about it.
It is sad to see creators covering up shady shit instead of coming clean and cleaning house. Actions speak louder than words.
Younited States of Syisrael … maybe once Jordan is “self-defended” JordSyisrael …