what if I meet Joe and take a selfie of both of us using my phone? how will people know that my selfie is an authentic Joe Biden?
what if I meet Joe and take a selfie of both of us using my phone? how will people know that my selfie is an authentic Joe Biden?
They never cared for privacy, it was all marketing. We should be equally suspicious of Proton and Tutanota.
I don’t get why they are downvoting you. It’s absolutely true that last month she’s been more on the news than at any other given time the last 5 years.
this guy is insufferable. these videos are just unnecessarily long speeches that would fit an article so much better than a video.
not to mention that his whole YouTube/Odysee channel is disguised advertisement for their businesses.
resourceful actors? anyone can run a local LLM in their laptop. yes, they are worse at generating text than chatgpt but they are getting there.
the fingerprint solution is useless and something that only the tech illiterate would seriously propose.
Oh I answered the wiremin asshole a bunch of times and they deleted their posts when I told how wiremin was suspicious as hell and shouldn’t be trusted.
I’m sure they won’t be any cheaper. Nvidia can be as greedy as they want given the low competition they have.
I honestly don’t care what the guy had to say. Removing parts from his speech without telling him is plain awful.
Ethernet is an standard. as long as standards are open (and they should be, by definition) they can’t die as long as there is an use for them.
poor people can’t enjoy art now? what you’re proposing is artificially creating an economic barrier to access art just because you consider that people who are born in developing countries aren’t interested in art.
also, there are a tons of people who buy android phones even if they can afford an iPhone because Apple’s devices are a golden jail.
I’ll buy a framework when they finally add the Coreboot support they promised.
I’m guessing that it isn’t. So don’t use it.
I’m actually pro LGTB and hate Wayland. Don’t make us all look as conservative scumbags. Some of use just hate Red Hat (IBM) because of their big corp nature.
Security and Resources.
they are yet another attack surface for vulnerabilities. Modern browsers are super heavy on resources. I don’t want to open a bloated browser to view a PDF, thanks.
PDFs in web browsers shouldn’t be a thing.
you’re right in almost everything
Seems clear cut and Meta will likely have to change the name.
Meta has a massive amount of resources, I’m sure they can afford more lawyers than the British company. Courts tend to favor the one with most resources, so the smaller company will have a very hard time trying to make Meta to change their app’s name.
this is not open source. from their license:
Subject to the terms of this license, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to access and use the code solely for the purposes of review, compilation and non-commercial distribution.
note how this explicitly leaves out modification.
You may provide the code to anyone else and publish excerpts of it for the purposes of review, compilation and non-commercial distribution, provided that when you do so you make any recipient of the code aware of the terms of this license, they must agree to be bound by the terms of this license and you must attribute the code to the provider
once again, they exclude modification of the code.
no forks can be made because they aren’t allowed to modify the app in anyway.
Additionally, the termination clauses say that they can just terminate your rights to use the code if they feel like it, no other reason needed. This is a direct attack against open source.
can we stop advertising this app already? it’s not open source. people needs to stop licking Rossmann’s ass.
right to repair is great, we can all agree in that. but when it comes to software, the guy can’t stand the idea of people using his source as they please and he wrote a source available license and keeps calling it open source. as other comments have pointed out, it is not.
you’re not a tech guy, you’re a tech enthusiast.
someone who understands computers will reduce the “smart” devices in their home to the minimum.
I’m in mastodon but I wouldn’t mind trying Bluesky when there are third party servers.