All of their content is public though, you don’t need to verify your age to watch a Joe Rogan podcast.
I’m a llama and I eat casserole.
All of their content is public though, you don’t need to verify your age to watch a Joe Rogan podcast.
From a business standpoint I’ve noticed these two mindsets prevail:
With paid SaaS, there’s always somebody to blame for missing features or outages. From my POV either way the IT department is getting blamed if a system goes down, and the overconfidence in the vendor to fix all issues timely is not always realistic.
Business leaders have conditioned themselves to being sold something. With open source they still expect a CEO or some figurehead to give a presentation on how the free tool will benefit the company, even though it doesn’t make sense when there’s no incentive to sell.
MAGA when they realize they are part of the collective America and are just as responsible for making it greater as anybody else.
It basically already is because you know most people are just going to lookup a free VPN who has every motive to obtain as much information as possible about the user and sell it.