What’s the point?
What’s the point?
That’s been a raging debate, an existential exercise. In real world conditions, we have free will, freeer than it’s ever been. We can be whatever we will ourselves to believe.
Gotta quit anthropomorphising machines. It takes free will to be a psychopath, all else is just imitating.
It would take me a week to decide, besides the fact this is beyond me 😄
I get “access denied” from the link. I didn’t want to click, but I did, now I wish I didn’t 😄
I don’t think a device will ever have a thought. I find it somewhat akin to a belief in the anamism of objects, that it will aquire some form of life force of its own. What a thought is, is a complete mystery. Nobody knows why they happen, where they come from. So, who is even to determine whether an inamimate object is exhibiting signs of consciousness? There are some people that believe it, others are just running a con.
I think George Carlin would agree with you, if you’ve heard of him. He had a thing with words. Elon’s a banal idiot, no offence to all the banal people out there, and idiot is no longer derogetory, it’s really Idiocracy out there these days.
“Don’t call that dog “lifesaver;” call him “shithead.””
I remember when the Gestapo was real, and when the wall came down.
Major event, minor indirect connection
About 20 years ago my spouse was invited by the Canadian government to participate in a citizen forum on what Canada should do with its nuclear waste. She went on a plane and was booked into a hotel and fed for 3 days, all paid for.
I mention this because there is finally some decisions being made and we were reminiscing.
I don’t know any other people that use it, but other people know I use it 😄
Came across this, comm_revival is about reviving dead communities.
Kind of genre specific, but The Warriors/Outsiders combo is early GenX. The soundtracks are amazing.
I had some plastic clothes-pins that became severely degraded from uv sunlight.
Let them eat cake, with no eggs. Just flour and water cake.
The Six Million Dollar Man. I became fascinated with this show recently, I find it amusing.
WKRP in Cincinnati is pretty funny too.
I was watching some of The Jeffersons episodes recently, it was on for 11 years. It’s a spin-off of All In The Family. Movin’ on up!
In the background of what looks like a Panglossian techno-optimist novel, horrible things are happening. Most of humanity is wiped out, then arbitrarily resurrected in mutilated form by the Vile Offspring. Capitalism eats everything then the logic of competition pushes it so far that merely human entities can no longer compete; we’re a fat, slow-moving, tasty resource – like the dodo. Our narrative perspective, Aineko, is not a talking cat: it’s a vastly superintelligent AI, coolly calculating, that has worked out that human beings are more easily manipulated if they think they’re dealing with a furry toy. The cat body is a sock puppet wielded by an abusive monster.
The planets of the Solar System are dismantled over time to form a Matrioshka brain, a vast solar-powered computational device inhabited by minds inconceivably more advanced and complex than naturally evolved intelligences such as human beings. This proves to be a normal stage in the life-cycle of an inhabited solar system; the galaxies are revealed to be filled with such Matrioshka brains. Intelligent consciousnesses outside of Matrioshka brains may communicate via wormhole networks.
I don’t think it’s useful to anthropomorphise it.