I was on r/soccer a lot as well, and considering its size I don’t know why the football communities are relatively small. Also, the .world one is effectively locked for some reason.
I was on r/soccer a lot as well, and considering its size I don’t know why the football communities are relatively small. Also, the .world one is effectively locked for some reason.
I grew and modded the K League (Korean football) sub previously, and I’ve wondered about starting one Lemmy. I would like one to be here so that I can can keep up with what’s happening easily, but I also kinda like not having a feeling of responsibility to post stuff regularly.
If I did start one, does anyone know if there’s any technical problems with creating and modding a comm on an instance different from your home instance?
In my head I always think ka-ka-REE-ko, but your comment makes me think it’s ka-KA-ri-ko?
Yeah, first monster hunter game. I realised I somehow skipped the first tutorial quest, so it’s a bit better after having gone back to do that.
Thanks. It’s priced about the same as the game itself, so it makes sense it’s about the same size in content. I’m tempted to just get it already, but I think I’ll hold off until I know whether I like it or not - there’s quite a lot to take on board at the start and I’m a bit lost in it all. I’m sure it will feel natural after a while.
I just noticed Monster Hunter Rise is heavily discounted on eshop, as well as the DLC. Can anyone comment on whether the DLC is worth it?
I wonder if it will release on Switch 2 at the same time then?
I always enjoyed battles in the games, so at one point I would have loved this. Now, though, I can imagine how badly I’m going to get my ass handed to me in a game that is solely competitive PvP and I’m scared it will suck the fun out of battles. Let’s see.
When I’m looking for a new game, I’m always tempted by the XC games, but when I watch the trailers and read reviews, the battle system looks so complex. If there was a demo version I’d give it a go to see for myself.
I’ve been playing a bit of BotW again. It’s quite fun to start a new save file and just go exploring from the start again, but I’ve actually been playing my “complete” save file, ticking off a few completionist things. I expanded all weapon and bow slots, and I’m 50-100 korok seeds away from doing all the shield slots - not sure if I’ll get round to it, because I never have issues with shield storage. I’m only 3 side quests away from having done them all, so I will do those ones.
Oh, that’s a shame. I would still consider it if it was on discount though, just to see. That’s if it ever comes to Switch 2 in the first place.
Tales of Vesperia (first released 2008) is on Switch. In fact it’s only £8 on the eshop right now, which is really cheap. I’m slightly tempted to get it and play it when I have more time. Any opinions on that one?
I played symphonia (gc) and abyss (3ds) long ago and enjoyed them both, but can’t really get interested in these 15-year-old remasters of old games. They look like the same game, same gameplay system as those, just with different characters. If something recent like Tales of Arise gets a port to Switch 2, though - then I’ll be interested.
Did a little bit of TotK becuse I still haven’t finished all the shrines and I actually quite like the puzzles. Still got about 20 shrines left I think. I think that’s the last little completionist thing I’ll do in the game.
Yeah, I know there’s the football one, and I used to post a bit on the .world one, but it’s a niche topic even within football, so I know I won’t get much interaction from it.