Isnt thatvway to much volume for text? I would imagine every book ever written to be judt a few tb. But I also don’t know much about the issue
Isnt thatvway to much volume for text? I would imagine every book ever written to be judt a few tb. But I also don’t know much about the issue
Awesome comment. Thank you! This is where something starts to become visible: the weird indirect physical and psychological violence of liberal ideology.
It’s base claim is: If everyone, as a single enlighted decent individual agent, would just play by the rules (fair markets), everything would be at it’s best. All of them shall thrive.
Now all those good christians go through life working their ass of, actually trying to be “a good person”, but after decades they have to painfully find out: It doesn’t work out. Most of them get more stressed, poorer, there’s ecological destruction, war and so on. Almost no one get’s to thrive.
As you pointed out, finding out about capitalism and (neccessarilly collectively) paving a way to more rational production and fairer distribution, is difficult. You could almost say it’s practically and ideologically out of reach. You know, because your freedoms depend on liberal individualism.
They end up with two options: 1. Look for an outside menace to the otherwise funtional market game (immigrants, jews, or heck why not trans people) 2. Get more of the same: more privatizarion, less social welfare etc.
They cling ever harder to a political decision, the more it harms them. This is brutal and sad af imo.
Real agency is possible, just not the individualist kind liberalism is successfully promising them in their despair of heteronomy.
People live in times of historic standstill. Society barely develops in a meaningful and hopeful way. Social relationships stagnate or decline. So they look for a feeling of progress and agency in participation in the market and consuming.
They don’t realize this because they aren’t materialistic enough, in a sense that they don’t analyse their condition as a result of political and cultural configuration of their lives so that real agency seems unavailable
Thanks y’all
Sounds amazing. What is the aproximate cost for all the parts needed?
If there is even just a chance that others wouldn’t understand, let alone disapprove you associating with kid X, you can accomplish 2 things by ousting them: 1. You get rid of the potential disapproval (wich is mostly just insecurity) 2. You help an ingroup getting rid of unambiguousness, by drawing/strengthening the border to the outgroup, while with the same move placing yourself on the inside.
I work with kids, and so far I think this is the objective rationality behind most or at least many acts of cruel exclusion.
The only long term, non authoritarian solution is the kids developing a moral compass, that makes violent exclusion more important to them than short term insecurity-management and of course beeing less insecure. (Plus the “weird ones” often have fluffin interesting perspectives)
As we can see in comments like “shower more” even many adults didn’t recover from the competitive-acceptance-bs other kids/their parents/ this fucked up society gave them.
Makes me 'member these informative graphics on 4chan ~2008 that categorized users into oldfags, newfags and cancer. Anyone else 'member?
You’re a writer too. If you so far decided to not get organized, you and your fellow writers are just copying what you read from others.
I wonder what those people claim they keep politics and science seperated. You know, because if you get a lab coat you’re immune
No great wisdom either, but my main thought about this is that games are designed to keep your dopamine coming (maybe overly nature scientific way of saying: they are exciting, rewarding).
Other activities can do that to, but some are rewarding in a more subtle way or more on a long term. Like, not “ringring yOu fOuNd DIAMOND!!”. So in comparison with games they might not trigger your motivation (dopamin?) as quickly.
On the other hand they are probably better at making you feel more general connectedness, belonging, sense, emotional diversity, etc.
So my advice (wich I struggle alot to follow myself) is: Avoid or limit the other dopamine traps like random scrolling and give yourself and the not-designed- for-dopamine-optimization-world some time, some patient goodwill. This might make that good ol’ world shine bright enough to not get bored all the time.
Nah but a fresh tick bite. This means I’m from the future
Means.tv has a weekly good news thing. Check it out!
Accepting it is a choice with practical consequences. We should work on understanding what is to change and how and focus on doing it.
Making prophecies about what “Eventually” happens is self handicapping, wich does not help :)
Edit (cant properly edit on jerboa rn) … your base argument is right.
Of course your base argument - capitalist economy is ecolocically destructive and dysfunctional regarding the needs of the many.
“Until there is noone left to fulfill their orders” thats the kind of “justice” i’m talking about. Like, Homoestasis will put them down in the end. Justice will be served. But that’s deceptive satisfaction.
Don’t go down the “natural balance” kind of revenge fantasy. It only makes one comfy in passivist boundedness. Also the guy in the picture is far more likely do do just fine in a climate catastrophy than you. Gaia nature god lady won’t bring you any justice, at all.
Fatalism is in that mix, too. A very easy way to meet political complexity
Haha yeah I was about to say, this is a masterpiece of
*newspaper jumping on the absolutely least significant aspect of smth, just, and really for no other fucking reason, because it activates low stakes unambiguous morals
*everyone: preaching low stakes morals
Wel played everyone, you’ve won the simulator. Turns out you do have a message, you do tell the truth
100k drones a month?!
This is a surprisingly hight number :o. Then again saying this already feels stupid since the answer is probaby just industrial warfare or smth.
I see. Thanks