Cry more Putin
Yeah that’s the shocking point for me
Prolly just get a fine too.
They started it, we just need to finish it.
Where’s Luigis brother Mario to help him out
I just hate the whole concept of housing as an investment vehicle. You get all these old ass shit houses worth a million dollars for no damn reason.
Highly optimized for traffic jams.
Thank you. I’m not sure if you recall, but in the news (not sure which site but I’m assuming some Israeli one) they portrayed an attack on some Israeli base as “murdering teenagers”.
Those “teenagers” were 18 and were enlisted to the IDF. Those were soliders killed, not just some random teenagers off the street.
:Points to 70+ years of oppression:
“Attacked all the time” yeah I bet theirs people dying left and right in Israel right? People struggling to survive? No, that’s the victims of Israels attacks.
I bet you think that attack on the Israeli military base was a terrorist attack right?
How to know someone is a racist piece of shit 🙂
The only reason the Middle East has any issues is because of western countries invading, corrupting and colonizing.
Greed applies to all of these companies let’s be honest.
When I plug my phone in at night, it slow chargers itself to 100% up until my first alarm.
Israelis have to do the most strenuous mental gymnastics to justify the existence of their awful regime.
alias yes='while [ true ]; do echo n; done'
Plastic was never meant to be recycled.
I was skeptical too so I looked it up, it’s real: