Tech company’s probably already have enough info to know a person age without requiring an id. They could even use ai for something actually useful
Tech company’s probably already have enough info to know a person age without requiring an id. They could even use ai for something actually useful
For some reason I knew it was technology connections just by reading the title
The PS1 game is awesome
Try finding games on fdroid.
She might find some she likes in gcompris
I use an electric fly swat and I fed the ones I kill to the ants
You forgot to add… While that imported labour is scared they will get deported so they don’t complain they are underpaid or taken advantage of. Just how the corporation’s want it
Be a responsible owner and don’t let your cat go outside. After you follow him to where he got it from last time
Don’t use a pressure washer.
They better not waste it. The better make changes that actually makes people’s life’s better. Not just enrich the already wealthy
Different beds can improve relationships
Took me a little while. But this is good
This is really good
Good discord is trash.
You wont sign it with your cert. You will pay a company to sign it for you. I suggest using the ipa managed self signed one for easier maintanence
And after the number. They want a selfie
I just got a 3ds, is great for a unique experience
Puttimg their seatbelt on after they start driving. Driving the car with the driver begging center of the lane rather than the car being center of the lane.