Thats a pretty rich demand while we actively fund Israeli terrorism ourselves, with nearly the entire rest of the world against us.
Thats a pretty rich demand while we actively fund Israeli terrorism ourselves, with nearly the entire rest of the world against us.
I’m not even going to read their warning. Law enforcement should shut up and quietly do their job. No one has to talk to the pigs and if they dont show some respect to the public, no one will. So if they want to be professionals they should pipe down and keep their “warnings” to themselves.
I’m not wasting more time reading this.
You asked for an honest conversation and to explore these issues in detail and that’s what I gave you, at some time cost to myself. Now that your pressing your viewpoint falls absolutely flat, you have no rebuttal and you run for the hills in mock protest.
This is why I am done with people like yourself who are so crazily hypocritical. You cant even have an honest conversation on ground you dont control. You dont want to talk, you want to lecture! You want to isolate everyone else’s viewpoint and human rights out of that lecture while you talk about your needs and your fears and your struggles. And ignore everything else’s needs and rights. Thats not how life works.
The Palestinians have rights that are equivalent to yours and mine. All of the goy and gods chosen people have exactly the same rights whether you like it or not. The entire world knows this.
When Israel eventually ends up defeated and a pariah state, I hope you ponder how that came about, instead of childishly crying and finger pointing at everyone else’s hatreds except your own vicious hatreds.
In the end you’re just another self serving supremecist, no better than the American KKK.
Goodbye and good riddance.
good point.
rawbloggin huh.
< enter your own “I banged your mom” joke here>
A lot of that has been poorly maintained since the fall of the USSR but the factories are still there.
those factories wre almost all in ukraine.
by webapps they mean browser based apps.
US freedom is made from cheap gas.
Does that make you feel better, running around telling random people they voted wrong, when you know nothing about who they voted for or whether they voted at all?
The US chose for more money to mega corps and the ultra rich.
we never had a choice for anything different.
Some things money cant buy.
If he could get some actual democratic party work done instead of running his idiot mouth, I’d be so happy.
Aw. Are you sure about just one?
Maybe we should handle the failed democracy and two awful parties as our only options first and foremost. I dont trust any dem or repub to talk about your 3 issues. We might as well be honest for once just invite corporations and AIPAC in to discuss it themselves if we are going to rely on this lot of corrupt hand puppet crisis actors that we call politicians.
And you’re pretending the president couldnt have worked toward it, and that the only thing he can do is whats handed to him on a silver platter with all the votes ready to go. That thing he is missing is called leadership. The president is supposed to be the leader of the party and is supposed to push forward the party platform, not wait in his chair like a noble waiting to be handed a message that he has won something.
He didnt even try to work toward it. We needed a leader and we got a right leaning dealmaker with a lifelong fear of criticism from the right and a fetish for making republicans happy and feeling like he’s on his own side and who cares what his partys platform is.
Getting people’s support without giving up a single thing in return is the opposite of lunacy.
without even challenging your other inaccuracies, its a plain fact that harris slowly bled percentages every day for the whole last month of her campaign. Every day lost ground, which only made her double down on looking for rightwing votes which didnt exist.
If you hate terrorism you should hate the Israelis more.