You can still own guns in Australia, at least. It just requires applying for permits. I don’t get why people would be opposed to that
You can still own guns in Australia, at least. It just requires applying for permits. I don’t get why people would be opposed to that
You sure are doing women a favor by fear mongering over it and acting like it’s something shameful. With modern tech all you need is a picture of someone’s face anyway. And I say this as someone who has had content posted without my knowledge or consent. What exactly do you want me to do, live my life being “haunted” by this or tell people like you to fuck off and quit making it worse?
I saw someone argue this is them reducing civilian casualties. They use roof knocking and delayed explosives and shit. Just sounds like they want to show off how much better their military equipment is, tbh.
… I’m asking if there is evidence of it, and if so, what that means in terms of effecting PC performance. Or just in general for these kinds of sites if it’s a concern worth having.
Ok, question. I’m totally tech illiterate, but have heard these kinds sites are used to farm for crypto? Like I’d rather just not watch new shows or movies at this point until I can take the time to learn to pirate again safely.
Well good luck to you out there Pat. I believe in you. You’ll slay the chaos demon someday
Show me you can read my first comment, please.
This comment has nothing to do with your original comment, but if you need me to tie together how his misogyny hurts young men that follow him we can go over that
Women wear make up ONLY to signal sexual arousal. Healthy women want kids (so do unhealthy women; healthy women can also want kids). “Sorry, not beautiful” about a woman. Telling people on Twitter to off themselves.
The dude is in trouble for calling himself a neuroscientist and evolutionary biologist ffs. I mean, do I need to go on? Or do you think it’s fair to say that his religious and trans arguments aren’t the only issues he’s currently facing removal of his licensure over?
I just don’t want to go through pregnancy, personally. Love kids but not enough to risk my life and permanent bodily changes. The being poor part is secondary
SoOo rather than pressuring people to have kids they don’t want, maybe we can shift our attention to the absurdity of the system? At the very least tax billionaires out of existence worldwide
I literally become physically incapacitated, puking in pain (usually the first day being the worst and have landed me in the hospital on several occasions), without hormonal birth control to help. You wanna try that then get stabbed and tell me which is worse?
Rapist* Brock Allen Turner anyone?
Edited to add important details
When I think too much about it, eating any meat really does gross me out. I still do but occasionally get tempted to try going vegetarian or something. I’m just too damn lazy
But why male models?