cut grass makes me feel nauseous
cut grass makes me feel nauseous
given how many targets are supported by llvm there’s really little difference in cross platform support asides from building artifacts for the specific target platform. wrapping package delivery in a package manager removes the additional complexity to the end user.
Considering how riled up everyone seems to getting over what was said, I inclined to believe it was said specifically to get a rise out of their opposition.
their actions on Jan 6th, the Nazi marches with literal 3rd Reich chants and the political refusal to denounce them. refusing women health care causing an increase in mortality rates.
you can’t participate in fascism and say /s just kidding bro.
In other words; you’re being trolled, and they’re having a laugh.
they aren’t trolling, they’re laughing that they’re getting away with it and the system refuses to do anything about it. the cruelty and the power to enact that cruelty onto others is the joke to them.
i reported it as doxing, looks like they’re recording names and addresses. maybe those in the EU can raise gdpr concerns?
Microsoft lawyer Rakesh Kilaru wrote that Microsoft was already considering layoffs before the merger.
Corporate gaslighting at it’s finest. we planned to layoff ~1000 employees from the company we were acquiring before we agreed not to do that!
if you actually want to protect kids, this is the shit you form a posse to go protect right? for all the people worried about children this is where you would show up at the court and/or prison and demand their release?
Elon and the Twitter company are not anonymous? They’re using their position to actively bury opinions they dislike. by removing a blue check it means less people will see union organizing efforts and messaging.
The Nazi started deporting after they came into power and again they came into power and held their power by silencing their opposition. Stop being a Corpo fasist apologist.
before the Nazi party came to power, they would show up to rallys, protests and town squares to silence political opponents through intimidation and physical violence.
A lot of people would consider Twitter a modern day digital “Town square”. i would say it’s eerily similar, the main difference is that there’s no physical violence just the silence.
basically no company wants the bad PR. If it had come out twitch would be known as the platform with pedos and parents wouldn’t let their kids use it resulting in the platform becoming obsolete.