Yeah, also they’re a non profit. Not perfect, but way way better than most at least ethically.
Yeah, also they’re a non profit. Not perfect, but way way better than most at least ethically.
Lolol, best comment ^^
Awww, Lenny! I hope his third-eldest, Larissa is doing ok.
Great soundtrack on that one too!
One thing I’ll say about the old model was that out of all the dating apps, Bumble was the only one where every woman who I met or even just messaged with could hold a conversation. That one requirement of them reaching out first set the bar, and I knew they were making the choice to speak to me out of all the other guys they were drowning in. I ended up with more dates through Bumble than any other app, and even made great friends with some people I didn’t romantically click with. Online dating is awful, or was for me, but Bumble was the least awful one of the bunch. The new model sounds not so great.
Which qualities would you like to improve?
I use a regular Pixel 6 pro, but there are a few things I keep around to improve the q.o.l. for using android itself.
Nova launcher to simplify things a bit and give me more search engine options
Firefox as my default browser with ad blocking add-ons to maintain some sanity
Solid Explorer to do file system stuff
Built in stuff:
Bedtime mode is a nice reminder to stop and go to bed
Focus mode is nice to stop casual social app usage according to a schedule
Flip to Shhh is great for… shushing. When flipped.
Do Not Disturb is my default mode. Only to be turned off when I’m actively awaiting interaction.
Notifications turned off for almost everything, always.
Who the heck would down vote this? This is perfect out of the loop content, and I appreciate the extra context people have posted, even though I knew the basics.
Haaaaha, I thought you were goofin’ so I joined in 🙃
Make sure you have Octa set up right so you can log in with your organization’s team space in Jira using two factor. That way when you set permissions to users and groups with the local Steam lobby your leaderboard doesn’t get mixed up and you end up back in Confluence’s Bronze league. Diamond subscribers can set their own epics with access to special story point loot boxes, but you have to watch for them on the Steam sale page. It’s pretty simple, just read the process docs in Fandom.
I used the term ‘pursuant’ incorrectly for a long time. I thought it meant something like ‘things you do in order to achieve something’, like sweeping the floor is pursuant to getting the kitchen clean, vs the correct usage, which is either ‘in accordance with’, or ‘in a manner conformable to’. So a correct usage would be ‘sweeping the floor is pursuant to the procedure we set up to clean the kitchen’. Nice word, though. I like it.
Ooooh nice - that idea will definitely make it into the Starfinder campaign I’m gonna run
When the sharing crackdown on Netflix was announced I decided to cancel it and set up a recurring donation in the same amount to a charity I believe in. It felt pretty great. I’m about to cancel Prime, but I need to switch credit cards, which is kind of a pain. Prime isn’t really worth it to me anymore. Otherwise I only pay for the ones that have active shows I’m watching. Haven’t sailed the high seas in decades, and probably won’t start. Missing TV has been great for my hobby productivity 😆
implied Anakin & Padme meme 😆
Casmael’s Razor. Has a nice ring to it!
Agreed and welcome! Be prepared to engage in or create a new space for the communities you care about. Things feel like they’re just getting started here, but that’s ok. Good luck and have fun!