If I had a cafe or bar, I’d put a sign out “If you’re the first customer, then it’s always happy hour”
If I had a cafe or bar, I’d put a sign out “If you’re the first customer, then it’s always happy hour”
Having enjoyed the entire expanse series, I didn’t really enjoy this book. I can’t really put my finger on it. I think my biggest issue is that the characters remain pretty bland. Of the group you follow, many remained little more than a name for me.
Even here in Europe where there are genuine left wing parties, where there’s proportional representation, where we have mistly functional education, labour class people are voting for folks who blame poor people and immigrants for everything that goes wrong. I think part of the blame is with tabloid style media and social media magnifying formerly fringe opinion. Just saying that having a real alternative for the populist right, might not be enough.
There’s millions of Venezuelans in Colombia, Ecuador and further South. But their options there are for more limited than in the US.
Didn’t he basically campaign with this?
Made me wonder: how likely would it be that a modern ginkgo could not reproduce with an ancient one?
I’m pretty sure they’ll do increasingly farcical votes for some time after.
That’s a short but touching poem.
NDA, not BJP, got 293 seats
And here I am with 35 days, which we’re expected to take.
Popped to mind immediately upon seeing the word Portia
Didn’t they have 3% economic growth last year?
Ironically, De Croo was also criticised here in Belgium for that speech being way too soft.
Buffalo weren’t eaten to almost extinction. And they don’t give birth to 10 calves at a time.
That’s just convenient defeatism. People are part of societies and are sensitive to choices others make. It does not save the sharks if you stop eating shark fin soup. But when there was a campaign against shark fin soup in China, and people actually chose to eat less of it, then that does have an impact on the shark population. Things can change surprisingly fast. It’s just a drop in the bucket, but we’re several billion people dripping into it. The collective impact of significantly reducing animal product consumption is important enough to try for it.
In general, drop the “this is a nonsense solution, we should do this other thing instead”. We need to do all the things to survive this. Focus on making others with the same goal stronger, convincing them to do this other thing too, instead of ridiculing their efforts.
Ooh, fascinating. Do you happen to know where I can read more about that neutron star collision? (Found an article, but no mention of a link to life)
For this kind of query, consult the Urban Dictionary.