Gotta keep in mind, profit can always be distorted based on how much employees are getting paid.
Someone is making money. In fact, a lot of people are.
Gotta keep in mind, profit can always be distorted based on how much employees are getting paid.
Someone is making money. In fact, a lot of people are.
I swear, we’re just witnessing the next power-grab by people richer than us.
Anyone who isn’t advocating for Mastodon, the federated option, is either a fool or being fooled.
iGPUs also do not “suck ass.” They’re built for purpose and fulfill that purpose quite well.
If you’re gaming, you’re better off buying a used dGPU made by AMD or Nvidia than a new GPU made by intel. I legitimately pity the fool who is buying an intel dGPU for gaming over used or new options from the other two.
But hey, I guess people like you need to feel different somehow so that’s what the market is there for.
Java isn’t Javascript, but that ham analogy is dumb as fuck and I feel bad for anyone who internalizes it after hearing it from someone else.
No reason that it should, other than businesses collectively lowering everyone’s standards.
Yeah. Really sucks how you need to know what you’re looking for in order to get any use out of a search engine these days.
For example, if you want to find a “free online video chatroom”, you’re not going to find it by typing those words into google. You need to know, specifically, that there is a free chatroom called and type that into google in order to see it.
The world is fucked.
Google sucks so bad you switched to… microsoft? 🤔
We really are ruled by corporations.
I guess this is why it was so important to neuter the government and public institutions. Can’t have regular people with control over their own lives.
While I love the idea of Mojeek, the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
You can also use Startpage, which copies google’s results.
I fucking hate how these companies get so bloated and then start doing whatever the fuck they want.
Maybe it’s you guys, but I never really had this issue.
Good point, although I agree with the sentiment of online communities becoming hugboxes with no room for actual dissent.
Is there a way to hide images on lemmy?
These are very annoying and obnoxious.
This is how capitalism shoots itself in the foot. It’s not actually the best system for progressing as quickly as possible.
People want to jump on the bandwagon and assume they know everything about new technology.
It’s really easy to take advantage of these laymen with things like traveling to mars or… building underground highways of tubes so people can use transportation like those bank chutes.
I hope one day, we as a species can recognize these patterns so that we may take steps to break them.
We don’t need some “big new tech” to solve the world’s problems. We need to turn around and help out our fellow man who has less than us. We have the tools, just not the desire.
It’s a cultural problem.