Who in the world eats hard shell tacos?
Who in the world eats hard shell tacos?
I believe the rule is any food that is perfect for eating on the road while you drive 45min from your first job, to your second part time night shift job. All of that kind of food doesn’t exist in Europe or at least isn’t popular for some reason.
It is the progressive party. But they can’t win a local council seat let alone any valuable position. But they run for President every year and normally run one of their established candidates. The right gains more by supporting them.
That said funding is questionable. They normally have their primary debate around a rental folding table. Im shocked they can even afford chairs.
The reminder is due to the fact that she never should have been the candidate in 2024 in the first place. She was not even in the top 5 in 2020. She didn’t do anything during her time as VP that made up for that gap. She was pushed in because the folks above her were two leftists, a gay man, and a rich DINO.
I don’t know that she would win California and if California goes to a Republican governor that takes away one of the handful of hail mary possible counter balances to Trump right now in a possible secession action. Right now if Trump attacked Mexico and Canada it isnt unreasonable to think some states would actively refuse to support the action but if California or New York were not both states to support it then it would be meaningless.
Why is your hobby more important than their hobby?
Would be sick to get to vote for someone who actually had opinions and goals and stood for something. If we want to vote for just the general prevailing opinion we should just run an LLM and train it on superbowl commercials and cable news.
Prodigy has holoemitters on every deck and is able to reconfigure the bridge using them. It is possible but they just need a reason.
We have like three entirely reasonable shows all setup that they keep not even touching. All of them episodic, all of them able to both speak to new generations and old.
Upper Decks: Live action show with the characters from Lower Decks. Primary focus is the main characters coming to terms with the fact that they are good enough to be senior members of a crew. Continue the idea that they are the little ship that could and their missions focus around support rather than flagship or the biggest of the bads.
Prodigy 2.0: Again live action, with Ella Purnell as a captain who is super in demand and capable and would be fantastic in the role. Focus here is again episodic, when the rest of the Federation has abandoned exploration due to all the BS at the start of Picard, they are the only crew left with the charter to seek out new life and new civilizations. You have an incredibly young but capable cast and easily could bring in some heavy hitters to support them.
Legacy: This idea has floated around a ton since Picard S3, honestly its the least developed of the ideas and I’d rather see a way to roll it into one of the much better and more fleshed out ideas above. I feel like the final scene in Picard was an afterthought while both Lower Decks and Progidy it was a true capstone.
The new 20 episode season is a 10 episode season with 5 webisodes and a cheaper side project like a cartoon or anthology.
Honestly this is better to me because it enables the good plots of the smaller episodes to get all the focus without forcing some awful secondary plot to fill run time.
I see this a lot which is wild to me because I feel like S4 felt like it finally was real Star Trek but just rushed and some of the damage to some characters couldn’t be fixed. All the major plot points that make Enterprise relevant to Star Trek happen in S4.
I’m curious where you put Discovery? That is the one I struggle the most with. My primary issue there is that for me I have to actually like and want to be invested in a character but as far as I’m concerned 10 episodes in to Discovery if the ship blew up all hands lost the Federation I can’t think of anyone I’d feel sad for. Enterprise though has Trip and Phlox who are S tier, a few fantastic guest stars, and no character that is bottom bin material to me no matter how much fanfic quality writing they tried to force on T’Pol.
Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power in the world, and is famous for it’s history with nuclear energy.
The issue here is that them starting the enrichment process is grounds for the start of WW3, and they wouldn’t complete the effort in time to offensively defend themselves. You’d have to give them entirely complete nukes and even that would just mean it’s nuke launchin time for a number of folks.
Normal for a person, but not normal for him. We see him as a very passionate person before he gets his implant who treats the dulling of his emotions as a boon.
I’d be shocked if the person influencing this writing of his character had never dealt with SSRIs or a similar medication.
No Star Trek show loved Star Trek more than Lower Decks.
I hope this is not the last time we see these characters. Between losing Prodigy and Lower Decks it has been sad for Star Trek as of late.
Rutherford upgraded his implant to be little more like Alternate Rutherford who had a super implant that also blocked out his emotions entirely.
This wasn’t a story about how his implant was bad at dealing with alternate universe versions of technology. His story was about how he had always used his implant to protect him from feeling emotions. Cranking it up slightly was all it took to finally block him from loving anything. Himself as he is, the Cerritos, Tendi. As soon as he took it out all of those emotions flooded in.
In an American vacuum I could see where you are coming from. In comparison with literally the entire rest of the world, it is clearly a flawed standpoint.
The American Democratic party is the oldest standing political party in the entire world. It last changed it’s political stances in the 1960’s and not because they wanted to, but because they needed to respond to the Republicans flipping the entire south in their favor.
Other countries have real leftist parties that actually get government members elected.
Biden was incapable of clearly communicating verbally for 2 hours straight in a debate. I’d argue that Biden stayed in as long as he did to enable them to feel empowered to force another Kamala on us rather than having to deal with a Warren, Sanders or even a Buttigieg winning the Primary. Kamala was 6th in line in the Primary when she dropped out in 2020.
I vote for them, they move right. I don’t vote for them, and vote third party, they move right. I join their party and vote in their primary’s for progressive candidates, they move right.
It’s almost like a bunch of really old, well off, lifetime establishment government folks just actually want to be conservative authoritarians. At BEST they are stuck in a mindset of 1969’s ideas of what progressive politics are because that is when they became politicians.
Every year they relaunch classic EverQuest time locked progression. They did that long before WoW did and WoW hired their studio lead to help them improve their implementation of it.
I’m not recommending it, just saying you could still go experience it today. I’d maaaaybe recommend it over Pantheon but it is close.
It’s EverQuest. If you liked Classic/Kunark era EverQuest then you might like this game. The gameplay is very simplistic and heavily leans into you needing to manually go out and build a group of people that have the right classes. You go to an area and kill the same mobs over and over for a couple hours and hope you get something neat or a level.
Specifically for a new viewer who wants 3 shows that would be different and enjoyable:
The Inner Light, Cause and Effect, Lower Decks
Duet, The Visitor, Trials and Tribbleations