• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • If your landlord hires a pest control specialist, ask them to use Aprahend. It’s a fungal spore that kills bed bugs. Like a biological weapon, which sounds cool and terrifying.

    If your landlord doesn’t want to or whatever; print these out (check your local library or university for 3d printing services):


    Buy a cheap ketchup bottle from a kitchen supply store and small jar of diatomaceous earth (DE) from a pet store, usually the nicer looking stores carry some sort of DE. Try not to get a large bag because just that small jar will last you your whole life.

    Fill bottle with DE, use it to “dust” the indents in the traps. Though apparently they can’t climb well, so the gaps are more than enough (but, you know… fuck 'em). Put these traps underneath each leg of your bed. To go the extra mile you can then use the bottle to get the DE around and behind the baseboards in your room. It would create a sort of perimeter around your space that should keep most things out. Just be careful to only put it places that won’t be disturbed that much. Breathing that dust isn’t good for you, nor is it good for vacuums lol.

    Also watch Mark Rober’s video about Bed Bugs to get rid of some of that fear:



    As you know first hand, the largest harm from bed bugs is mental and the stigma surrounding them makes it that much worse. You are not a dirty person, you are just unlucky. Getting bed bugs on all your stuff is merely unfortunate and has nothing to do with your actions, choices, or who you are as a person.

    Good luck fren.

  • If you rent, get your landlord to talk with them. It’s likely that they simply don’t know how loud they are. Otherwise you could write a nicely worded letter.

    If all diplomatic options are exhausted, then I would hang up some speakers so they’re facing into the wall; then go ham with the heaviest, bassiest songs I have at all times that your local by-laws allow that also overlap with the times they would be sleeping.

    I did this with a particularly shitty neighbour and it apparently solved the issue (though maybe they were finally evicted). They would be up until 3-4 am (sometimes later) literally blasting music and I have to leave for work by 830am; so, I started blasting some dubstep into walls at 8am.