Yeah, the warp pipe Easter Egg was was sold me on this type of build. I really hope we get to see more non-minifig scale mocs that do this type of fan service. As I was putting it together I was trying to figure out what the hell I was building, and when it clicked? Oh man! I love showing the secret to guests.
On a similar note, the 25th anniversary Millennium Falcon has a few Easter eggs, but you only get to appreciate them during the build. Opening the Falcon up to take a peek isn’t an option.
Even better, those doors open outward, into the only space that the wheelchairs can occupy.
Look at this guy who doesn’t live in a 400sqft apartment with only street parking.
What I didn’t realize about Columbo until watching it last year is that every episode is basically a full movie. There’s no connection between each episode, Columbo himself is the only recurring character. Each episode is an hour 10 to an hour 40 long. Also, it’s by FAR the best production and acting on TV in that era. It’s legitimately like almost 70 individual films.
I want this to be so much better than it is:
I don’t get why we don’t call the “anti-woke” crowd “the asleep.” It seems like if they want to treat becoming awakened as an insult, we should be reminding them that they’re the ones who have their eyes closed and are attempting to ignore all of history.
The optimist in me believes that some day the majority of them will wake up, the same way the majority of Germans eventually denounced the nazi party.
Did you mean to respond to a different comment? Cause you seem to be agreeing with the initial post that you’re replying to.
Yes! Literally this is what I’m trying to say!
The only way it’s best to protest under Trump is if you want to die while protesting.
That tells me that increasing suffering isn’t actually relevant.
Big oof
Police killings have gone up every single year under Biden, yet the streets are empty.
That’s a great stat that should be shared more widely.
We don’t need to increase suffering, we need liberals to stop pretending everything is fine.
If you think those numbers won’t continue to rise under a Trump regime, you and I have irreconcilable differences of opinion
If any third party showed any chance of winning at the local level, the DNC and GOP would collaborate against them. We have seen this in Georgia, where they kicked PSL off the ballot. The only way to legitimately get somebody not in the DNC or GOP in power is via Revolution.
Local is smaller than state. State still has too much money and will trounce smaller parties just like you said. Looking at PSLs election results, the only showings of note are board seats, city council, and mayor. That’s where we need to start.
I’m not saying this is the only path forward. I’m all for guillotines, but you need the people on your side for that and getting the people aware of the movement is a tough process.
This argument doesn’t really work in your favor, Leftist organizing was much stronger under Trump, because liberals had a common enemy with Leftists.
So your stance is that in order to see real change, we must increase the amount of suffering and only then will people be motivated enough to do something about it? Sounds pretty risky to me.
Sex scenes are common in modern games - and are often made by filming human actors who are then digitised into game characters.
Is “common” referring to cringey low budget Steam games? I don’t think I’ve seen any sort of on screen simulated sex in a game, ever. Granted I tend to only play well publicized indie games and larger releases. But how common is this? Am I out of the loop?
Came here to say this
Having just turned 43, I can tell you that I don’t think I became an adult until my early/mid 30s.
Stage 2 is for some hardware techbro to invent an artisanal moebius toasting methodology, and then suddenly even most white people can’t afford to live there.