- Homeless people don’t have money for housing.
- They must be spending it all on drugs
- They don’t have money for drugs.
- ???
- Profit?
More like Peter Wiggen. He is the brother that took over the Earth government as the Hegemon.
They already tried this in LA with privatizing the public transportation system back in the 50’s. The big car companies bought it all and dismantled it in favor of selling their cars.
Most of Amtrak loses money except for the NE corridor. So if you privatize Amtrak it means even worse service and eventually no trains where it is not profitable.
Same with privatization of the USPS, it just means less services for a higher price until they decide to close it altogether because email will replace letters altogether. Say good by to any privacy since all email is monitored and capitalized for marketing.
Fuck fElon Muskrat.
How else you gonna get people to work in the farms?
No education = no options.
So their solution is concentration camps and an army of brown shirts. Where have we seen this before?
Just call it what it is: a purge of non-loyalists and any one who is not a white Christian male.
Reddit goes the way of Digg.com
How about we start with a massive DDOS?
They are scared of fElon Musk.
Into bankruptcy at the fastest possible speed?
He can just ask One of his techno weenie minions That spent the last three weeks, hacking through government networks installing insecure servers and rooting the treasury system. I’m sure they have plenty of information that is basically left unguarded for the Russians to access. This seems like a formality.
I don’t know how much clearer it needs to get before people realize fEllon Musk is a fucking Russian asset along with dumbass Trump.
It’s a stupid name if convention.
He’ll just do some heroin and get it all figured out.
Much of what [is] describe above assumes a passive public, a compliant bureaucracy, and a do-nothing Congress.
We are so fucked.
Yeah, but funding the USPS to have new electric delivery vehicles is not OK. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites
They are all lizard people
Spineless corporate shills. They don’t want to do the hard work of governing either. They just want a fat corporate paycheck from lobbyists and insider information for stock trades.
Here we go again.
Isn’t school funding linked to test scores and performance? Is this how they are defunding education?