But it was a group chat for work. In anything even a little bit security driven it’s only for work related activities, just like email. I can’t imagine talking about anything related to sex or medical operations on teams.
But it was a group chat for work. In anything even a little bit security driven it’s only for work related activities, just like email. I can’t imagine talking about anything related to sex or medical operations on teams.
Talk to my therapist and try to do something that helps people or animals.
Siberia is entirely in Russia. There aren’t many countries in the artic. North America was torn up by glaciers, Greenland and Iceland are hotspots, any of the European countries are very mountainous. Siberia is mostly permafrost and has been for a long while. Added to that, Russia has the most landmass in the artic circle.
Has he heard of the French revolution? That was a bit of lasting change
Who the fuck is passion?
Those some fuzzy feets
Yeah agreed.
These people suck, and got those animals killed unnecessarily.
Naw it’s all good thanks! I’m dyslexic so I swap the vowels, I’ve always done it. Lol
They recently obtained a raccoon. Which are one of the most common animals to get rabies. He also attempted to release the squirrel when it was 8 months old. It came back injured. It could have been infected then, rabies can lie dormant for years.
He took an animal from the wild. Domesticated animals are different from wild animals. He was also still taking animals from the wild as seen by the most recent racoon he kept as a pet. Wild animals require licenses for a reason.
Social media is unregulated but owning them isn’t. He needed a license to keep them, which he didn’t have. And the “sanctuary” is just for domestics that was started last year. The website sells t shirts and options for donations. It seems like they got internet famous because of the squirrel and opened this as a way to make money.
It isn’t that the virus outright kills them. They just typically don’t get close enough to animals that could infect them. They are prey animals so they wouldn’t approach infected animals, they would run. They are also very small so the initial bite or scratch that could infect them kills them before they actually develop the disease. But a squirrel living with a raccoon because some guy thought it was cute. Yea, that would do it
Okay, I was initially totally against the DEC but reading the article really changed my mind. You need a license to own wild animals in NY. Ya know cause they should not be pets… also wildlife rehabilitation requires a license and training. Also rehabilitating means returning them to the wild. Not to mention an extra license and training for animals that are common carriers of rabies.
He has a squirrel for 7 years as a pet without a license with zero intention to rehabilitate his animals. He was using them to make money. Getting them to do tricks, wear hats and clothes. He essentially had a roadside zoo, but his customers were online. He says he was in the process of getting a license. He had the squirrel for 7 years, and was actively collecting more animals. This guy sucks, no wonder people were reporting him.
Yeah, weird ass way to say biggest hurricane this season.
Honestly the best thing is to learn how to fall without getting hurt. And how to bail safely if you lose control of the horse. That’s some of the first things you should have been taught when you were learning to ride.
Best thing to do when falling is tuck and roll. Keep limbs from getting stepped on, get away from the horse, and prevent a hard landing.
That’s not true at all. Essentially every time you have heard of any disease linked to a gene its because of the Human genome project. 23 and me, that is also thanks to HGP. Lots of cancer research has also been done, identifying markers for cancer.
You might not be aware of it, but has been vital for anyone genetic advancement.
Good. But also just doctors? I guess every woman better start training to become a doctor…
If grown as a crop I can see that. But taking from forests changes the forest permanently. I see your point, I guess I’m taking issue with what I associate with a renewable resource when talking about energy. That is is “green” and not bad for the environment.
Saying trees are carbon capures so its carbon neutral just seems crazy to me. Burning wood emits more carbon dioxide than coal for every unit of electricity produced. The older the tree the more carbon it can store, which is in its wood. Mature as in 35-75 years. Cutting down mature trees out of forests and planting new ones isn’t carbon neutral. But I can see an argument for planting tree plots in already cleared land to get a system set up for rotations.
WTF?! They burn wood pellets? Seriously? How is that even vaguely a renewable resource?
Every example you gave is still inappropriate, as they are not about work. I worked in the public sector and that would have been shut down. Federal employees are held to a higher standard, especially if they have a high security clearance. They get funny about spending because it is tax payers dollars. Using a work computer on a government account during paid hours to talk about personal things, nope. There are a bunch of rules they were breaking.
I’m not saying they they weren’t targeted, but they were still in the wrong.