I’ve fixed blue screens by flashing the correct firmware. Have you given that a try?
I’ve fixed blue screens by flashing the correct firmware. Have you given that a try?
This is a great suggestion! A show with a great heart. Start with season 2 though. Season 1 tried to be like The Office and that turned a lot of people off. Parks and Rec finds its own voice in season 2.
It looks like you can use an automation to trigger something when you leave a location. I would try that.
They’ve actually been trying to do this for years. There were actually a couple years of tests out in California I think. However, there are two big lobbies that always put a halt to it, tax preparation services (H&R Block, Intuit, etc.) and groups that want taxes to be a pain in the ass so we’ll all bitch about them.
Check out this episode of Planet Money if you want to learn more:
What kind of Ender 3 is it? I flashed mine when I swapped to the silent mainboard. If you can figure out what kind of board you have, and any accessories that plug into the board, you should be able to narrow it down quite a bit.