Oh no.
Oh no.
Well, I remember TeamSpeak being really good and easy to use.
The Blood on Satan’s Claw
Why? A nude Linda Hayden.
The guy next to Mister Rogers looks really familiar too.
If I worked at a restaurant I would take advantage of free espresso.
Bernie Sanders tried but did not get enough votes when he ran for president because the government paying for your healthcare is apparently bad for some reason.
Project Zombiod
Project Zomboid has been in early access for over 10 years. It was released into early access on Nov 8, 2013, and it’s STILL not finished!
Of course she won’t. She is Putin’s puppet.
If I refuse a field sobriety test and request s breathalyzer or blood test instead, would I still be arrested?
Treasure of Nadia is a really good King’s Quest style game on Steam.
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You burn the wood as an incense. Oil for “perfume”.
3 gm/3 ml of oud oil for $650 plus shipping. Was amazing! No regrets whatsoever.
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I miss Harry Reasoner, he was so down to earth.
Oh no. Well anyways how is everyone’s Friday going?
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Wasn’t his father an immigrant?
He kind of looks like Richard Jordan (Francis from Logan’s Run).