Same but the throttling on “busy” towers makes even basic web page loading pretty shitty. Decent deal still but the throttling is really bad
Same but the throttling on “busy” towers makes even basic web page loading pretty shitty. Decent deal still but the throttling is really bad
Yeah this person was definitely a polar bear
It’s called fashion. look it up.
And what’s next after that? People having traditions and celebrating things the way they want to for their enjoyment? -___-
What is my purpose?
Cunk on Britain / cunk on the world
I couldn’t find the answer but I’m gonna guess Tokyo. If anyone finds a source I’m interested to know as well.
I thought the halo ce was generally very well received. Is the hate for it a lemmy generation thing?
I kinda get what you’re saying but that’s not why he’s celebrated
About 90 percent of my nostalgia is reserved for Halo. GD I miss those days.
There probably are local regulations that make this technically illegal but these aren’t generally enforced on such high profile operations like a neighborhood lemonade stand run by a 10 year old.
The article only mentions Christian groups in France and Egypt tho so not just American evangelicals.
Cats are not a monolith. They have a wide range of personalities and emotions. I have a cat that is very emotionally needy, not very unlike many dogs. He needs attention and pets and lap time.
My Costco has an 810 calorie chocolate chip cookie. When I first saw that I was like how tf do you cram the better part of 1000 calories into ONE cookie lol
Ok boomer let’s get you to bed
And yet it’s a million times better than songs like “Gucci Gang”
I know you jest but education attracts a lot of very passionate people. These people pour their hearts and souls into what they do.