Wait till they sell rohypnotoad
Wait till they sell rohypnotoad
Son of a bitch
As for the last, OpenRA is good too if you played RA(2)
Uh oh looks like someone gave the demon core a lick
Live Laugh Lobotomite
I thought that was Mr Bones
Yeah or 1984 with neon lights and drugs robot dogs
Or what about drugs robot dogs on cyberdrugs?
Why not both?
Killing innocent people === HERO
Because the best way to stop US imperialism is to drag them into and/or start a war that only prospered US imperialism.
I am not even anti US imperialism but this is retard logic
Oh she knows
I plead the fifth officer
Ffs what laptop options are left?
Stand up and clap to end the commercial
Any lessons?
If home less home more theyd be less home less and more home more.
Greatest case for Graphene. Yes I find the need for a Pixel hilarious but it works soooo
Levenstein the app?
Teslas shitty cameras actually ally based
Lemmy tell you how…