Now available in liquid form!
This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.
Garbage: Purple quickly jumps candle over whispering galaxy banana chair flute rocks.
Now available in liquid form!
Always has been.
Reducing UK security is probably not a good idea at the best of times, let alone these days with global tensions increasing.
$50 eggs. I recognize so many citizens actually support these moves. This is a relatively harmless way to draw attention to more of these bad decisions.
By all means, let the price of eggs skyrocket. It’s the least harmless of what we collectively voted for.
I use it in a browser tab because I refuse to have them snoop around on my running processes.
Feels like a rather dystopian title.
My country has fucked up international relations big time (US).
I am an artist, and your shitpost is my paint. The screen, my canvas. Users browsing on the toilet, my unwashed masses.
I don’t like how there isn’t a nice, cross-platform and secure way to sync my keys. Not all services allow multiple keys to exist at once.
Of course, English, so you mean it as the brits speak it right? I expect it to be spoken proper.
If you enjoy this exercise, consider ham radio. People contest purely to collect contacts from different places.
I went there once. I can’t go back because the cab driver said next time I visit, he wants to meet my kids. But I don’t have any kids.
The horrors persist but so do I.
My first thought was cold or hot, toasted or not?
I think you mean professional scapegoat.
What are they gonna do? Cut your funding and fire your employees?
That’s called theft. He robbed a bank.
He did say you’ll never vote again.
It looks like it’s only a matter of time before there will be 0 browsers capable of blocking ads[.]
I don’t know if I’d take it that far. Firefox and the Chrome engine are open source projects. Anyone can modify the browser to enable ad-blocking in some form if a user is sufficiently determined. Now, will it be possible to write and distribute a popular an effective adblocker under these conditions? It appears to be getting harder.
In fact they stimulate the immune system! That’s how vaccines work.