Pretty happy with my results here. More played than purchased, and lots of time with the ones I did.
Pretty happy with my results here. More played than purchased, and lots of time with the ones I did.
Found the Vesk mechanic (starfinder)
Pick someone you know to be good at work or whose opinion you respect. Ask them to give it a look.
Nice. I got 17 and I would debate the size of that versus a bread box. Still got pretty much everything else right
Hmm tough question: Xcom enemy unknown/within, dragon age origins/expansions, darkest dungeon. Those I’ve beaten and come back to multiple times and they are still fun.
Runners up include Pokémon lg, Zelda lttp, bg3, slay the spire, mass effect, civ, and stellaris
You look like you care enough to put on nicer clothes for the interview. That always a good way for me to tell that the interviewee understands that there are expectations and can meet them without me asking directly. Also that we live in a society that expects that
James Catfield