Yeah I do, so what about it?
Na szmerze od samego początku. Trochę się wymądrzam i czepiam publikacji, ale to z parszywej natury i dobrych intencji. Jeśli masz jakieś pytania to śmiało pytaj - zawsze służę pomocą.
Podobno na oko jestem trochę młodszy niż sugeruje awatar.
Yeah I do, so what about it?
You do know Poland was invaded by nazis and soviets simultaneously based on their pact of cooperation? And that nazi Germany stood mostly on Soviet resources as it built up for the war?
Oh yeah, if workers didnt strike that they need to be able to eat, and a “communist” government wouldn’t be sending tanks on them the Soviets would still be strong. I admire that logic. Just remind me please, who were the soviets meant to be representing?
It’s clear you have reactionaries and befuddled idiots running the show and the dominant ideology is the ideology of the ruling class.
Usually is. But then on the Ukrainian front lines you have everyone from normies to literal banderites, to anarchists.
And in every surrounding Slavic country, apart for one controlled by a pro-russian govt, there is massive support for the Ukrainian war effort over any political divisions. With the exception of tankie sects witch are microscopic around here, because people actually remember the regimes and what they did, and the far-right which is simply sponsored by Kremlin, or just at this level of being bootlickers cheering for any strongman.
You have not decolonized your mind.
Again you know and understand shit about the history and the region. Poland used to be a imperialist state at some point (actually took Moscow btw - just a fun fact regarding your attempt at fearmongering). But majority of Polish population were slaves to the gentry. Then as a “nation” we progressed to being occupied for 150 years (Russia, Prusia, Austro-Hun’s), went thought two world wars, winning a war against CCCP in between, got occupied by nazis and soviets in the beginning of WW2 and ended up de-facto occupied by CCCP after WW2. So the colonialism that’s in the culture is not a western one - that we have since say 35 years at best. This generation has little to say in Polish politics as of yet. But the colonialism we’re de-colonizing as a society is the old Polish and the Russian one, my dear friend. And we’re going strong at it, which seems to be your problem exactly.
Or maybe it’s not say 60 million Slavs who are wrong, and you might be? Just a thought experiment -would we consider we might, you know - living here, better understand our self-interest than you do? Ever crossed your mind?
All I’m saying is if they were bombed, they could easily escape it, or Russia could easily destroy to guns used, since Ukr didn’t have any serious long range artillery until recently. So either Russia was unwilling, or the people did not feel threatened or something is off here.
And where did I state that? Or going deeper into your delusions; if I’m a Polish nationalist, why would I want to arm banderites, of all people? They brutally butchered 50-120k Polish people; And how would one go ethnically cleansing 140 million Russians, especially using a comparably tiny, half-failed state of Ukraine, which for the most part is only operating inside of it’s own borders? Do you really make any sens to yourself?
You did notice it is a critique of it at the same time? Simply trying to explain that it’s hard to scare with war citizens of a country which public education teaches it’s kids songs glorifying child soldiers. We even got some monuments if that was not clear enough for the youngsters…
BTW Russia does the same, and at least we don’t have to play assembling AK’s in primary school. That’s for high-school as it should be.
So… no evidence still? You know you should try to actually prove a point not only demand someone to accept it so such an accusation will work?
war is not the same as genocide, Russia has deliberately avoided hitting civilian targets and allowed evacuations.
According to whom, Russia Today?
More civilians killed by Israel in a month than by Russia in a much broader war over 3 years
Source for this stat please, cuz just from what I’m seeing that’s such an absurd lie I’m amazed you actually try to push it.
Israel are purposeful genocidal child killers
Russians are professionally prosecuting a conventional war. - using open channel cheap radios and getting slaughtered or using taxis to evacuate the wounded? That’s a Russian mil blogger in a span of few days. There’s thousands of examples like that if you just pull your head out of your ass and actually read anything else than propaganda. Seriously, even just read the Russian millblogers directly. Russian soldiers are mistreated to such a degree that it is genuinely sad to hear it. They are as much hated for their crimes as they are despised for their competency with their utterly criminal leadership.
Browse though some of this; - some sources I can easily accept as likely western propaganda, but most is sourced from Russian channels directly. Have fun reading about the professionalism of Russian army.
Oh, you’ve seen a Russian generals take on the whole Syrian affair?
Trade unionists who support Nationalism and Imperialism are class traitors
Yeah, I’d agree with that, absolutely. See, that’s the fun part here; you’re mostly arguing with a straw-man in your head, and not with someone who committed his life to class struggle but holds slightly different beliefs/optics than you do.
But also - so yeah, you’re not even in a union, miserable keyboard warrior :D
It’s cold and dark outside, it’s not like I would spend the rest of the night out mate… Was going to stop, but you’r sect keeps on coming and it’s funny in a way - see you people deeply unable to prove any of your beliefs and hitting with the most tried and miss-target arguments you can pull.
But also, pleas do provide your definition of imperialism!
What are you referring to, exactly?
Have fun class traitor.
Funny thing I’m literally chilling after running trainings for trade unions for the last few days. I work for trade unions full time, while (separately) being a member of the most radical one in the country. You at least have a union card, or you only commie on the net?
Told you, I’m not into your sect’s lore, you have to drop a link or I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. And still if there were thousands of rounds, it should be very clearly visible wouldn’t it? Why cant any of you produce a single image that would showcase it like the one above?
Just after Kremlin stops funding nazis in my country, and most of Europe. Russia can stop the war anytime, it just needs to go back to it’s borders, how hard can that be? Cuz if it’s meant to stop a possible war with NATO that’s clearly not going according to plan and at they are still mostly fighting NATO tech from the 80’s operated by silly Ukrainians who had a few months of NATO training?
The more entangled your nation gets in Ukraine, the more likely war will spread to you
See, this type of russian propaganda fear-mongering doesent work on Polish people, because one - we have lived under Russian occupation or threat of invasion for the last 200 years, and two - we know that unless it stops in Ukraine the war will come to us soon after. Oh and three; dying heroically is the basis of national ethos here, if you took a few minutes to skim the history of the region about every generation Poles would have a suicidal uprising against the occupiers, well knowing it will fail.
Also in about a year Poland itself, without the rest of NATO, will have more main battle tanks and rocket artillery than Russia. There was a time when we were afraid as a society, but Ukraine clearly showed we can challenge Russian imperialism and increasingly likely - win.
tl;dr come at us bro
Cheers, learned a new word. Love the western well educated leftists come to explain the world to us stupid Slavs. Thanks!
Or you missed clear evidence, admissions and so on of Russia sponsoring Le Pen, AFD, Austrian or US fascists? Like, this stuff is public, there’s a ton of sources. Proving the case for their infiltration of the PiS party would be harder, since it’s investigative jurno books in Polish mostly.
Oh, ok, then clearly, I’m hiding my deep hatred for the other group of Slavs then the one I belong to, but not just the eastern ones, as I do seem to be living with Belorussians, and working with Ukrainians, it’s only the ones supporting this one particular imperialist state. Just a simple racist, and I only let it slip by asking you people to prove anything of the bullshit you’re spilling here like the mad fucked up sect you and your mates here are clearly. You got me.
Nah, I’d prefer that Russia doesn’t invade my region again. ~150 years of occupation was enough for us. Same goes for our neighboring countries.
Found them!
Oh no, sorry, that’s Russias work few kilometers north. So what about any evidence? You guys are just a cult aren’t you? You don’t even have anything to use as a proof other than a lie you’ve heard so many times you believed it?
How does that explain your lack of visual evidence?