Every time I read “block chain” in relation to anything on the Web, 99.9% of the time is complete garbage used to try and make as much money as possible. Your description of their “service” reinforces my opinion.
Every time I read “block chain” in relation to anything on the Web, 99.9% of the time is complete garbage used to try and make as much money as possible. Your description of their “service” reinforces my opinion.
Nah dog, I’m good. I’ve tried, not gonna do it again.
Either that or so fucking stupid that interacting with them wouldn’t be worth my time. I honestly used to believe what originallucifer said, but after this election i’ve been thoroughly and completely radicalized.
I loved visiting it, went right at the start of covid so it was the perfect sweet spot of being both open AND very few other people. Have lots of pictures and good memories of my time there.
Honestly there’s so much shit about Tesla’s software on the Internet. I own a model y with “FSD” and I can confidently say that the current version (12.5.3) is a 90% solution. Is it perfect? No. Can it do everything? No. Can it drive me to work and back, to the grocery store, and whatever else I need without me intervening? Yes it can, and has no issues 90% of the time. Obviously for it to be considered level 5 or whatever it needs to work 99.999% of the time, but it’s good enough right now for me to not only use it regularly, but to also enjoy using it.
It’s an awesome piece of software and it still blows my mind to watch my car drive me around. We are living in the future.
Been doing my part since October last year, have no intention to stop. Linux is awesome!
It would be an even bigger shame if they all got drafted when they got there and sent to the front lines. That would be so sad :(
At least with a tesla you have to manually confirm the update, and can cancel out of it for 2 minutes after doing so. If something happens between then and 15 minutes later then i guess you’re fucked, but with the amount of control you have this really should never be a problem.
Thanks for this heads up, just canceled my sub.
It looks like a lot of the subs mentioned in that post are back already, including the ones mentioned in the post tile. While i completely agree that reddit is a shitstain, this may have been a bug?