If you want something efficient and free of bullshit you probably first need to change your OS to a GNU/Linux distro
If you want something efficient and free of bullshit you probably first need to change your OS to a GNU/Linux distro
I think droid-ify already includes the repo.
Collabora office from f-droid app store First install f-droid or (better) droid-ify on your phone
If you are considering a hobby for your general well being and long term happiness, video games probably aren’t your best bet. Learning a new language, a nusical instrument, a sport, an art or craft, meditation, etc.; could be much more fulfilling for your life. It is easy to invest too much time on video games without getting a considerable reward in terms of long term happiness.
Don’t focus on your IQ. I mean that could be a handicap for yoy but we all have handicaps here or there. IQ is seen as so important but it is just one thing in a multitude of factors. Do you like any kind of art? Music? Nature? How are your emotions? Sports? I bet you have something where you thrive and feel inspired. Explore that. Practice that. Focus on developing your skills in that. If you really try, tomorrow you will be able to teach people about this that you love and do so beautifully. Life is oh so complex. Multiple paths. Also! Keep an eye on emotions, trauma and your psychological health. Try to find any kind of psychological help you can afford. You know drugs are not good but they are trying to fill a hole. Find that hole and fill it with consciousness, love for yourself and something you like to do.
This process could take many years. But start walking towards healing and thriving. Maybe it will take much shorter that you think.
Good luck. If you have a sense of spirituality, that could also help you a lot.
Beyond technicalities, there are social and political issues. Is it secure for the long term of humankind to use a browser which is one of the tentacles of one of the biggest conpanies in the world, which monopolizes the internet and relies on selling private people’s data?
https://hubzilla.org is a a powerful fediverse platform that includes wiki functionality
https://js.wiki is a great wiki software
Vivaldi is a no go, it is proprietary software and also based in chromium. I’ve had similar thought process to yours and I am also using Floorp. Librewolf is great but too privacy hardened for the common lay user. These forks are cleaning the s*** out of firefox so no need to worry.
To enable gesture typing, download Google’s gesture typing library at https://github.com/erkserkserks/openboard/tree/master/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a and then import it by opening the OpenBoard settings app, going to “Advanced”, and then choosing “Load gesture typing library”. Note: Google’s library is proprietary and not open source.
I use it with many languages. I even swipe in spanish
Go heliboard
Just go osm.org and help spread the word
Being a linux user for 23 years and a linux promoter and installer for newbies, I don’t agree with so many of your recommendations and priorities.
AFAIK fennec is the same as firefox but with different branding. Mull is a privacy focused fork (like librewolf for desktop)
I think we have to persist. Make our statement and presence. Let banks know. Let everybody know there are people who care. Each day we are more. One day we will be many.
The most enjoyable passions IMHO is when you unleash your creativity. Write with emacs. Compose music with musescore. Draw with krita. Or, better yet, do it off the screen.
Mom, milk, life, love