Was there porn ?
Was there porn ?
I’v seen him DJ
You would crossbreed a perfect killing machine with a xenomorph ? Madness
The only thing that matters in government politics is public opinion.
It’s genetics. We produce some oil or something that mosquitos smell. And some people produce more then others.
Basically bad luck.
"Open"ai is definitely sharing everything you tipe with your government. Only difference is that chinese care less about your illusions. That said we are not even a blip in the sea of data so it doesn’t matter anyway.
Bdw your patriot act says that any data that goes over your border can be stored and used indefinitely. So me seing your comment means your nsa will store it and can use it, even though spying on your own people is against your constitution or something.
The smallest particles are not actually balls, but are wibbly wobbly. To measure something we need to interact with it, even if we interact with it using light. But because those particles are all wibbly wobbly, we can’t say for sure where they are exactly. And that unsure distance is Plancks length.
Disclaimer; I am not theoretical not a physicist, now eat your vegetables.
Don’t put any green or blue paint on your brush.
Not even the computer remembers his name.
Bonus spiders on drugs.
But there is a chance for one to stoveaway on a rocket load.
I like the old amd ones.
It’s a joke. With green text. Have a cup of tea and CALM DOWN.
Fun fact: Nikola Tesla suggested to drink a bit of… burbon or the like before bed.
Electrolisis is relatively inefficient and wears down the electrodes. While not as bad on an industrial scale, those are still problems. And then you have to convert it back, that is even less efficient.
Good in theory, barely passable in practice. Growing sugar cane and making ethanol would be better, like brazil does it.
OP is… trying his best, I guess. For now lipo is the best solution. Actually multiple things are the solution. Pumped water has a delay that needs to be covered by something else. Flywheels have mechanical chalenges. Molten salt also has problems. Etc. They all compliment each other. IMO best single solution would be nuclear. Salt will be better then lithium, but in some years.
When batteries (ahcually accumulators, but whatever) are done properly, the fires should not go beyond one cell, if at all.
PS Gravity, except pumped water, is hilariously bad.
Didn’ know birds can vomit. Horses can’t.
Breaks are kinda important.