Give him a French flag, that way he could be your Twitch chat!
Give him a French flag, that way he could be your Twitch chat!
And my psychologist
Found my chiropractor
I would argue that the new paint could help alleviate the issue, since it would incentivise people to decrease use of the AC. My concern then would be how polluting is the production of the new paint compared to the current version.
“One who knows nothing can understand nothing”
–Riku who is Ansem who is not Ansem who is Xehanort
Reminder that getting a subscription service means moving away from something you buy occasionally to something you pay forever
Just like in Demon’s Souls 🙃
Any time is a good time to unionize
Sounds pretty cool, thanks for sharing!
Could you please elaborate? I’ve no idea what that sentence means, so it sounds really wild to me 😅
Jokes aside, the original quote really hits different nowadays, and I’m not even British 😅
That’s horrifying… but TBH it also sounds kinda sick
“Do not anger that community which embodies the resourcefulness, morals and insanity of 4chan”
– Sun Tzu (probably)
Wait until Buzzfeed writes about it
6 fingers feature already in development, available to some users in PTR