If the top of your burrito is open, you should find another taqueria.
No such thing as a convertible burrito.
If the top of your burrito is open, you should find another taqueria.
No such thing as a convertible burrito.
That’s a fugly house.
I don’t particularly care about Bezos or his love life but you’re right, that’s some stellar writing.
This roadshow belongs to antique.
If I did a single thing this douchebag has done, I’d be in jail. Yet he’s the front runner for president for a political party. Blows my mind.
I cannot wait to not hear his name or voice again.
So is it a bollard in front of painted asphalt? Textures are interesting.
Looks great, where are you?
Their lighting app is a steaming pile of shit as well.
I’m not saying we need to blow up and get inundated with the masses, but sometimes it takes an event to kick things up a notch or two. Ideally a positive event, but something noteworthy to get people’s attention.
I don’t visit that site which shall not be named anymore, but I never visited it for memes or politics etc or because I had any particular affinity for the platform. I went there for the niche forums it had and if they exist here, they are empty.
I’m optimistic and I think we’ll have that event.
His best decision to date, yes.
He is. He’s your average internet troll that made a few lucky decisions in the past.
And don’t call me Shirley.
I am actually, yes.
ITT: A bunch of grumpy people who base their opinions on media coverage of the event.
Media reports and reality don’t always align, believe it or not.
It’s times like these when I most wish I didn’t have this bee allergy.
I do the same because there isn’t a single community that I care about that isn’t silent if it even exists. Pretty damn boring.
Face. I like it.
It is and has been a mainstream site for a while now. It’s followed the same trajectory as Facebook. The typical user only cares about the topics that interest them. They have zero interest in what’s happening in the background and are fully accustomed to being blasted in the face with ads 24/7.