A bit late, I suppose…
A bit late, I suppose…
I thought of a Russian phrase “Россия для грустных” (Russia’s for the sad ones), which refers to that sangry expression you can often see Russians wearing.
I’m neither proud nor ashamed of being a Russian, personally, given it’s a simple fact. Although, I also have a hard time understanding feeling pride (or shame) for something I wasn’t a part of (as in, a member of a team of researchers who discovered XYZ, not some arbitrary stuff like nationalities)
Iirc, traffic lights are called robots in some African English dialects. Although it’s more like one of those regional peculiarities.
To me it looks more like they’re saying they’ll monetize their work no matter what, tho. One way is through direct payments by those who consider their articles worth paying for, then they don’t need to sell userdata or show ads; the other way is selling userdata. Well, there’s also non-targeted advertising, but mb it doesn’t worth as much or something (and targeted ads already pay close to nothing from a single viewer, afaik).
Where I personally draw the line is when such subscriptions still include ads (looking at you, “ad-free” disney+) or have unnecessarily large costs and so on. I mean, if they charge close to what they’re making with ads and selling data, we could get most websites ~tracker-free for probably a couple of bucks a month each. This, in turn, lessens the power of ad network owners, which again makes the web better. Although, mb I’m idealizing too much, idk.
Idk what’s the big deal, honestly. Remember the memes about yt premium, “I either give you my money, or my data, but not both”? Well, it’s kinda like that. The caveat is, their payment provider likely still collects data, and some info is saved on the backend anyways, but that’s another can of worms.
I’ve asked a couple of history nerds, and I stand corrected: my impression that totalitarianism was a form of autocracy was wrong (rather both are a form of dictatorship). They’ve mentioned that under Stalin it could’ve been considered one, tho, but given he was the 2nd gensec, it’s not exactly relevant to undissolving.
Sure it wasn’t. And, say, attempts to limit citizens’ freedoms of [speeh, movement, religion (although I personally think it’s cancer)] or even music they listen to are just a coincidence. Look, I’m not saying USSR was all bad, but, frankly speaking, trying to depict it as some kind of heaven on earth is just as flawed as the red scare you’ve mentioned.
On the positive side, the blood flow to your legs is not restricted (unless it’s not one of those sofa-like seats, they just suck).
Fair enough; although, I meant more of a communism on a world scale, with rewiring the brains of those selfish bastards that actively oppose it for their benefit, and all that jazz. So, pretty much the thing a genie’s help (or something equally unbelievable) is necessary atm.
So, let me clarify, you could’ve wished for a proper communism without state and such bullshit, but wished for an autocracy with ambitions of world domination to be undissolved? Great job here, mate!
Idk, repairing is often fun and may be faster actually. As in you don’t need to spend time searching for a suitable product and waiting for it to be delivered. Also, most breaks are more or less trivial to fix, so it’s at least worth a try, imo.
Fediverse used to sound kinda lame to me, but that’s probably because I’ve encountered “metaverse” first.
Considering elon is also a joke, the history repeats itself
I’m so fucking getting this tattoo if I ever loose a leg
What did you expect from a department named after a memecoin anyways
I don’t dislike most of them per se, I just don’t understand most of them. I mean, it’s quite impressive what those people can achieve, but I’d rather watch some dude free-climbing in the grand canion or something of that nature ('cause for me even climbing a 20m pipe was scary asf).
Now that i think of it, football is probably singled out in my mind due to its fans doing some batshit crazy stuff oftentimes. Like dude, chill out, it’s just a bunch of people kicking a ball. Save your molotov for your friendly local politicians.
I’m wondering if the fingers move independently or also mirror each other’s movement. Because if they do, those people are one custom keyboard away from pretty comfortable PC usage.
Wasn’t there a more general definition as well, like man = human? Kinda outdated given the current trend of replacing those with persons and whatnot, yet presents enough reasonable doubt to me 🤷