One might even say… context is for kings?
…Is this a meme or a cry for help?
Don’t think they’re including shuttlecraft. It’s a bit hard to read but I can’t see the Cerritos’ Death Valley scanning through that area of the alphabet. I do note that Discovery is there in both original and -A format, which might be contentious since the ship is its own refit.
For me the Prodigy and Lower Decks theme songs are among the best in the franchise because they’re versatile. You can have a slow, tender violin motif from the LD theme such as when Tendi was telling Mariner that the Beta shifters were her family at the end of season 2. A slightly different part gets a brassy remix as the swelling Crisis Point theme music for the Cerritos.
Not all Trek melodies do this. Voyager’s got a lovely melody that feels appropriate for a grand trip homeward, but they tried using it at some big plot moments and it just felt wrong. Disco and TNG have the opposite problem where their themes are CONSTANT INTENSITY, so you don’t often see them used in softer moments. (The latter is very weird to me considering we have heard softer variations of the theme, maybe I just can’t think of any such uses in the series offhand).
Oh, very clever Worf. Eat any good books lately?
I mean if you look at Burnham and Sarek’s relationship in Discovery he did a pretty dang good job beating the human emotion out of her.
Sure, this kinda fucked her up emotionally in a way the series tragically didn’t look into nearly enough after season 1, but you can’t say that his methods never worked.
A bit of a weird episode in that the protagonists didn’t solve much, the two problems just sort of fizzled out for their own reasons.
Kind of surprised that Peanut Hamper was up for parole-- Memory Alpha doesn’t list a specific stardate for A Mathematically Perfect Redemption but judging by the adjacent years and the stardate AGIMUS listed she’s been in Daystrom for less than two years.
IMO this episode confirms that what we saw last week wasn’t an anomaly, Rutherford’s got it bad for Tendi. It’s kind of weird to have him focusing on her encouragement to the exclusion of Mariner (who was in his immediate vicinity!) otherwise.
Gotta agree, it seems like an unforced error. A good chunk of the audience knows she shows up in TOS, which robs the whole idea of any tension it might have, and on top of that it feels plot armor-y to have one person survive and then not check for anyone else.
They could’ve just contrived to have Spock and Chapel be the best persons for the saucer deorbiting-- Spock as the precise vulcan/science officer to place the thrusters, Chapel as medbay’s lead in case they could bring anyone back from the Cayuga.
“Tacky Cardassian fascist eyesore!”