Also, he has a lot of kids now… money tied up over inheritance squabbles and civil cases getting redistributed to lawyers and court systems. I imagine more kids will come out of the woodwork too claiming a piece of the inheritance pie
Also, he has a lot of kids now… money tied up over inheritance squabbles and civil cases getting redistributed to lawyers and court systems. I imagine more kids will come out of the woodwork too claiming a piece of the inheritance pie
So does banning windows
I have a letter one of my Grandma’s friends wrote her after seeing Gone With the Wind. She did the equivalent of “meh” - I was shocked. No idea if this friend was just not impressed with anything or wanted to come across cool. After my shock wore off, I still laugh off and on about.
– I didn’t see the letter until after Grandma died, so I didn’t get to ask about the friend. (Grandma was born around 1910)
He knows his presence is the best present
My grandma was born in WV 1919. I asked her a lot over the years (she passed in 2015)
Your great grandma may be different… but keep in mind, she’s human. And if she’s anything like my grandma, she will lie, or more charitably have some false recreations of certain memories.
So asking round about questions to get more details about certain things can sometimes get some interesting truths exposed without her realizing it.
Do not point out inconsistencies in an accusing way!!!
Remember not everything is the actual truth, even if she’s being honest. We are human and our memories are swiss cheese on good days. None of us remember everything with 100% accuracy.
Oh, and ask about her favorite music through the years, or favorite foods. Sometimes sounds, tastes l, and smells can trigger memories!
If I’m reading the hypothetical right, it’s saying what if in a year, the numbers were reversed… 323 $hootings with 69 deaths, versus 1 school shooting with 1 death.
Would gun laws change, would tax laws change? Etc etc. Would minimum wage change?
Purely hypothetical of course