What’s up with Proton?
I never trusted them 100% so I never paid for their services and didn’t really follow up with their privacy and stuff. Just used their free services from time to time.
What’s up with Proton?
I never trusted them 100% so I never paid for their services and didn’t really follow up with their privacy and stuff. Just used their free services from time to time.
It is a different concept compared to YT. It is more oriented towards professional content creators, not like the original idea of YT that „YOU“ tube (share) something random.
Also there are examples where Nebula stops collaborating with creators due to weird guidelines, so basically indirect censoring. Checkout out the YT channel „Second Thought“. And I mean if YT still allows that content but Nebula doesn’t…
„We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.“
Two chicks at the same time!
Biden be like: “You corrupted supported me with billions but I am gonna go now lol - oh, btw could you please give some big money to Kamala as well? kthxbye”
I like Crypt.ee, it’s minimalistic.
However, I have tested many apps, but I don’t like the digital recording of notes, so I have become “analog” and use a pen and notepad. It also has better privacy. 😁
One of the biggest benefits with Mailbox.org is that you can create lots of aliases and trash mail addresses. Killer feature for me!