Errrm, 5 of the worlds largest exporters are European
Errrm, 5 of the worlds largest exporters are European
Slow clap…
(Assuming you are American) No my friend, YOU must stop him. If you do your duty, voting, and working as hard as possible during campaigns to get the reasonable choice elected, yoy are doing your duty. If all you do is bitch, this is what you get.
I love photic sneezes (I just learned it had a name). They are like sun induced mini orgasms.
If the UK hadn’t done Brexshit, there probably could have been a way to add Canada to the EU as an associated member, like Norway, Switzerland, etc…
Catholics been doing if for a couple of millenia
German train delays ≠ European delays. Grmany’s puctuality rate is 70% while Spain, which you could stereotype as being “mediterraneanly” lax is over 91%.
Germany and UKs networks are a sad joke. Most of Europe has very good puncutality
I wonder how many of mustler’s children are keeping mum to not lose out on their inheritance.
Where I live, in Europe, essentially all buildings are brick and mortar, or some variation thereof. Furnishings will burn, but fire is unlikely to run amok.
I think they may be British, and want those who wish to criticize to for a queue
I thought the G number meant how many Gb’s I could store in the cable
The official name of Mexico is “Estados Unidos Mexicanos”
What a sight those “thousands of living former US presidents” must be! Too bad they couldn’t get a few thousand of the dead ones to attend.
“officers used “reasonable force” at the time of the arrest and that the injury was likely caused when Shikh Ali’s face pressed against one of the officers’ shoes”
That’s like the old joke about the guy that comes in with a black eye, and says: “but you should see the other guys fist”
Military experience doesn’t necessarily equate to McGyvering. I did a tour as an Army scout. I can shoot a lot of weapons, use knives and other non pyrotechnic weapons, set-up mines, claymores, use plastic, even creative uses for mortar rounds and grenades, but we were never given training on things like making bombs out of windex and a mars bar
Because it could be used the other way. I agree that the Hungarian question is shit, but imagine a majority of countries deciding to kick a country out because opposition to some regulation , like fracking or immigration,or whatever, which is objectively good.
Also, what Orban is doing is as a govrnment. The majority could change, and we’d have punished a country because of a single government. It’s a really difficult thing.
As a diving instructor once told me, Air is overrated.
Wolf population in Spain is now around 3000, and is considered dangerously low for genetic diversity. What are the Swedes thinking?
This is such baseless bullshit
Yeah, no. US society is nothing like islamic societies. A faction if the rabid right thinks like this, and the rest of the right may agree to an extent, but they are aware that they can’t sell that to the majority. Plus, too many women jusdges.