Is that in relation to DHT? Never got quite into it, but if you’re using a tracker then I’d imagine the tracker would handle the peer2peer reverse NAT problem.
Is that in relation to DHT? Never got quite into it, but if you’re using a tracker then I’d imagine the tracker would handle the peer2peer reverse NAT problem.
Or slightly different:
Får får får? Får får ej får, for får får lam.
There’s a reason I don’t use Spotify. Well, there are multiple reasons I don’t use Spotify, but one of them is because I live in an area where stable cell tower connections aren’t a given.
I guess I should thank you for demonstrating how I’m twisting your words by doing the same?
“Is a woman’s unfertilized egg a baby?” <- That’s a trap? Of course a woman’s unfertilized is not a baby, nor is a fertilized one until born, since that would usually be defined as “embryo” or “fetus” (if being all pedantic). Though, a woman’s unfertilized egg is an “animal product”, as is a slice of meat.
Now, I’ve chosen to use “meat” as a synonym, or over-category, for “animal products”. I realize that this generalization might be important for some, so let me apologize for this apparently vital oversight, I’ll try to cut it out in cardboard from now on.
Regarding your statement about morals, as I’ve stated before, the hyperbole would be meaningless if the creator (of the hyperbole) wouldn’t find any truth or parallel in it.
I’ve read your statement as “No vegan would ever say: You’re eating meat animal products, but that’s all OK!”, just a whole lot more demeaning and in perfect spirit of the original post.
And once again, to really cut it out and prevent these misunderstandings of mine, I read your statement as “Vegans will not morally lower themselves to omni standards (edit: /Ethics)”.
If this was not the intention behind your words, then I will gladly stand corrected.
That would have been the first statement: “Vegan here, bottom left is a very small but sometimes very loud minority.”
That second statement (about the religious killings) was specifically for why finding compromise is not possible for regular vegans. Even if it was a hyperbole, it would be meaningless if not sincere.
“Are eggs meat?” - Yes, that’s what I’m saying, I’m not sure how it can be understood any other way.
Though, how can calling somebody a murderous cultist not be considered the least bit demeaning, whereas saying their family should starve is? As per “You wouldn’t say „… I do respect your religious tradition of human sacrifice“” having similar aggressive or demeaning meaning as “I don’t care if your family starves”.
My point exactly! I don’t see where the discrepancy lies.
Maybe that calling someone a murderous cultist is not the same as saying their family should rather starve?
“I don’t care if your family starves, eating eggs is literally murder!” - How can this not be represented as “Eating meat is murder!”?
Isn’t it a little weird to call vegans who say eating meat is murder a “loud minority”, and then explaining why you cannot be a vegan without saying that eating meat is murder (hyperbole or not)?
Is there something in your comment I’m missing, or is this supposed to be some self-aware joke?
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*Also comes with a limited selection of movies and series.
Thank you for the correction.
I think genAI would be pretty neat for bit banging tests fuzzing, aka. Throwing semi-random requests and/or signals at some device in the hopes of finding obscure edge-cases or security holes.
Mmmmh, thunderflies.
I just LOVE when my new monitor has 5 dead bugs within half a year. Though, I don’t think I’ve ever found a hair.
And the above was literally how I was thought to represent data in university. Maximize the areas of interest, make sure to properly label your axes (lest they become misleading), and remember to trim empty space where relevant.
But it appears that proper graphs for science and engineering reports may not be used for representing data to the common man, as it must be assumed that, even for the most simple of graphs, the common man will only look at the funny line, but not the graph itself.
I was of the impression that reading a graph also required understanding of regular writing/reading, but I’m no native speaker, so I’ll gladly stand corrected.
I’m not sure what you mean by “one of those little zigzag indicators”, do you perhaps mean leap/break in data denoted by the “Squiggle”? I don’t think any data below 7m is included in this graph, so, if I understand you correctly, then that wouldn’t be a proper use of said squiggle.
Seems fine to me, the axes are easy to understand and there would be a lot of unnecessary whitespace otherwise. Though, it does require some reading comprehension, and that one actually looks at it and not just skims over.
Can’t those both be true at the same time?
The “system” is working as intended by the rich elite/<insert antagonist>, which means that it’s fundamentally broken for the general populace, and therefore must be fixed, which is easiest done by first destroying and then rebuilding it?
Seems like an oxymoron to me, but I’m not entirely sure of the context.
Not sure if i understand the request, but there’s the [email protected] community if you’re looking for open signups.
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