He is trying to bluff I guess? It’s stupid because it will hurt all our industry more than it will hurt other nations.
Mastodon: [email protected] Avatar drawn by kittydee.art
He is trying to bluff I guess? It’s stupid because it will hurt all our industry more than it will hurt other nations.
30 plus here. I just started drawing everyday. Little gestures to work on people. I will caution you not to take too long of a break once you have a roll going. I worked everyday to get to a certain speed and skill level then stopped for a while due to issues and lost some skill but I can still draw okay.
As you improve there will be a difference between what you can see and what you can do, your perception will improve faster than your hands. This will be frustrating but every artist deals with it and it is a sign of clear growth. If you really like what you are doing that is great but if you bage what you have made and can only see mistakes, take note of the mistakes learn from them and move on. You have more to draw.
Also please study from photo refs and real people for a good while it helps build your understanding of how things fit in space and especially the structures people and animals.
I recommend adorkastock.com for references of real people but there are plenty out there.
Wasn’t just the corpos it was a joint project between the corps and the government. And in rebellion people are giving a rival nation full access to everything. If China had an obligation competitor you would be smart betting that they would’ve seen millions of holes before dawn just form people trying to spit in the face if tbe US.
Its a sensible protest, wtf is China going to do with that data that the US government and attached corporations wouldn’t do, right?
They could just destroy the canal in stsd of letting us have it tbh
They have a legitimate point. It’s not possible, or even feasible to run elections without a functional legal system, a census, and even laying the ground work of the government that is supposed to be there. Give them time before letting the doom settle in.
People keep acting like hosting this shit and developing it is free. Its not. Donate to your instance and the development of the back end and all the opensource software you use. Bluesky has 20 million people using it it’s no surorise they are looking for a profit model that won’t scare the base off. I would rather it be subs instead of endless ads and algorithm tweaks.
Hopefully Germany sees how shit he is at anything and rejects any party influenced by him.
Especially for a fresh team that’s amazing.
If he did the shooting he has still done the work. I couldn’t care less about his positions. Ideology is a luxury.
He could literally take a train to Georgia and just hang out lmfao
I expect subscriptions soon. I don’t mind subscriptions as much as I mind advertisment honestly. Advertising is negative content for these types of services. It detracts and makes the service way less useful but subscriptions at least will fund upkeep at a greater efficiency of user per dollar than ads.
To lurkers, consider financially supporting the fediverse particukarly the homeservers you use if you aren’t running your own.
Throw the entire company in the trash immediately. Lmfao
Considering how many games are released unbaked, its a great decision.
If a game is only released on Epic, it hasn’t been released yet. Its just in some weird alpha state until it has broader release.
He is stupid he will call it Xcoin or something.
I recommend using bluesky like old twitter if you do use it. Follow people you’re interested in otherwise you’ll only see the most noisy types.
Is this a fresh account that you went to the discover tab on?
The land lords who used the service should also be held liable. You mean to tell me you get a report with a binary answer and you just trust it with no due diligence? If there is no penalty for blindly trusting an algorithm they will just move to the next tool they can use to be bigots.
How the fuck is this a valid executive order when it’s clearly purse string shit. This is something congress would have to do.