I believe that’s called a “nightmare”
I believe that’s called a “nightmare”
In this case, I look forward to our bicycle powered future
Hey it’s me, you and you too
An in game tick in osrs is 0.6s so that’s bang on
Dunno what to tell ya, the xweets are real but yeah no real evidence either way
Im sure time will tell, if there’s a case to be made we know Nintendo won’t shirk at taking it forward
The guy admitted to scaling the models to fit, because had a bee in his bonnet about how palworld “glorifies animal abuse”
There’s an interesting conversation to have about where exactly the line between plagarisim and inspiration is, but it’s unlikely palworld devs used stolen assets
Thunder breathing, first form
I’d have lost 90% of my hype if it wasn’t announced
Wow thanks had no idea this was an option on my Samsung. . it was just hiding disabled in my settings as “lockdown mode”
I pay for 5g in London with EE with an LTE phone
I’ve turned it off - it’s too unreliable even 3 years later… Feels like 1 bar of 5g spends an age trying to get a connection, then slowly reverts to 3 bars of 4g, which is ultimately just worse than just using 4g
Could just be my oldish phone, or the concrete jungle, but feels like shite to me
Punk goes pop - was the soundtrack of my teens
Lemmy tickles the same part of my brain without all the corporate bs - less content makes me scroll less, but less toxicity makes it worth it
I feel like Ive found my people and I ain’t leaving
Offer accepted on a listed c16 farmhouse in q4 2021, after thinking about the original 3y fix mortgage we lined up, I convinced the wife to put up all the profit from the last house, the entire renovation budget (as well as a bunch of profit from a potentially foolish foray into $GME) to get to 75% LTV and a 10y fix on just over £500k @ 1.7%
It took until July 2022 to complete, managed a big discount on offer price due to some confusing wording on the estate agents listing (and the vendors being a bit silly and telling us they needed to sell ASAP cause they were getting a divorce) but managed it before the mortgage offer expired
I’ll be almost 40 by the time i need to worry about payments going up, and we’ll have way more equity by then - safe to say I’m pretty chuffed
An Endymion trilogy with bits of Hyperion sprinkled in for flavour would be perfect
One meal a day
deleted by creator
Shout out to Postman who this week decided to depreciate their local (secure) credential storage scratchpad, to force people to use their API and store everything on their cloud platform
Global enshitification continues
Ads or paying $20 on sync is a bit of a joke
Went from Connect > Sync > Connect - sync was smoother but not $20 smoother
I’d recommend anova brand