Ah. Okay, grumpy physicist who objects to the term “God Particle” signing off. 🙃
Ah. Okay, grumpy physicist who objects to the term “God Particle” signing off. 🙃
Interesting. I haven’t heard of that breed before and I’m having trouble finding anything by searching - could you toss me a link or something?
Yeah… am I missing something here? I don’t get the joke.
In fact I strive to do as little as possible. I only work to pay the bills. If I could luck upon a comfortable enough nest egg I would quit working immediately and just play games the rest of my life (video & board, solo and with friends/family).
Hell, I may end up contributing more to society that way since I enjoy dabbling in video game design but don’t have enough time to actually work towards anything I could release. If I had time, maybe I’d actually create something for a wider audience rather than whatever minor contribution I have at work.
Cas Anvar, one of the main cast. Between the filming and release of the 5th season a massive wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations came out about him. He was dropped from the show for the final season in response to an investigation of the claims.
Going through The Expanse again. Such a good show that unfortunately got soured towards the end by a bad egg in the cast. But I’m enjoying it regardless, the work everyone else put into that show deserves praise. They found such a good balance point on the hard vs. soft sci-fi spectrum. Just enough realism and scientific accuracy to make the setting feel authentic without getting in the way of the story.
And Dominique Tipper as Naomi effortlessly code switching as she interacts with Inners and Belters is astounding. Not just her, all the Belter actors do such a great job with their dialects, but because of her screen time and back story it’s a lot more varied for her.
I love both, but I actually prefer Atlantis’s ongoing series arc over the more episodic/season arc structure of SG-1.
Possibly unpopular opinion (?): Universe was a fantastic show that got cancelled right as it was getting really good. Stargate’s answer to Voyager and Battlestar Galactica. Really wish we could have gotten more of it. With the way they left things, it’s not too late to revive it if they can get actors on board. They can easily explain cast aging or not returning with the final cliffhanger.
Cursed cat… hands? Paws? Somewhere in between?
You can call it whatever you want, as long as it equals 1/2 it’s the same number.
So yes, multiplying by 2/2 to make it more intuitively obvious is perfectly valid and a good way to think about it. Most arithmetic tricks are ultimately multiplying by 1 or adding 0 just to make the problem easier to handle.
Seriously, why is basic arithmetic worthy of so much discussion?
Just… do the math. It’s not complicated math.
Well, it is canon that the Abrahamic god kills children en masse sometimes. He does love a good genocide.
Agnostic atheist: Doesn’t believe in any gods, claims the existence or nonexistence of gods is fundamentally unknowable
Gnostic atheist: Doesn’t believe in any gods, claims to know no gods exist
Agnostic theist: Believes in god(s), claims the existence or nonexistence of gods is fundamentally unknowable
Gnostic theist: Believes in god(s), claims to know that those god(s) exist
I think all four types of people exist in decent numbers, but personally I, as an agnostic atheist, think either version of agnosticism is the only logically sound position. Gnosticism just feels disingenuous to me. Unfortunately I get the feeling that Christianity in the US is slipping further and further towards gnostic theism, and with that comes very dogmatic and oppressive rhetoric and actions.
Both my brother and my brother-in-law are professional chefs and they each eat the weirdest nonsense on their own. It’s like their palettes have to be so refined at work that they need to throw the wildest combos of flavors together at home to feel like they’re eating something different.
So if anything I think this qualifies you as the “chef guy.”
“Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you of a fire that has broken out at the promises of…”
It’s not as stark of a difference, but in western Washington we’ve also had a noticeably warm winter. Really just feels like a continuation of fall. Almost the entire winter we’ve been around 40-50 °F, only had one cold snap that even got down to freezing, into the 20s for 4 days or so.
If this is real and in the US, I would love to see a Gen Xer or elder Millennial apply, make sure to mention their generation, and then get this dumbass owner to say in writing that they aren’t hiring them because they aren’t a Boomer.
IANAL, but that seems like a slam dunk age discrimination case as long as the applicant is at least 40.
And this is why scientists tend to dislike science journalism. Whether intentional or not, it misses out the nuance that scientific findings usually require. And then those misrepresented facts start getting quoted elsewhere until you get a web of “sources” that just point in a circle and can eventually cut out the actual source that includes the nuance.
Always be skeptical of journalism headlines and check the body. Then be skeptical of that and check the source. Then still remain skeptical of that because one study doesn’t determine scientific consensus. Before long you’ll be in the rabbit hole of the replication crisis.
But don’t write off science. It’s flawed because humans are flawed, but it’s still our best tool for determining truth.
Officially they’re on hiatus. They originally said they were retiring the line, but then changed their tune and stated that the Bolt line will return after they can implement their new EV battery tech in them. I believe the statements have been imprecise about when that will be, but potentially sometime in 2025 (meaning the 2026 model). That’s assuming no delays or changes to the plan.
If you want a new Bolt without waiting for the revived line, I’d think about acting soon. They’re moving really quickly in my area. I’m really happy with the EUV so far, but I’m still only at like 250 miles. I didn’t go for the Premier since I don’t care about adaptive cruise control or their “Super Cruise” self driving thing.
I’m stuck in an infinite loop of combining water, fire, wind, and earth with everything. I haven’t even done any combos that don’t involve one of those except by accident.
Send help.
You’ve led me astray! Haha, no worries. I probably should have figured that but I try not to assume that new information is false just because I haven’t heard it before. The post as a whole primed me to think there was some missing piece of info I hadn’t heard before.