I know nothing about the dude on the far right
Can’t tell you anything about the character, but that’s Leoben Conoy/Number Two. I guess this time around, the river of time pulled him into a different franchise.
I know nothing about the dude on the far right
Can’t tell you anything about the character, but that’s Leoben Conoy/Number Two. I guess this time around, the river of time pulled him into a different franchise.
He was a guest on her podcast when he said this, so no, it’s not stupid news.
TWOK’s nebula submarine hunt is my favorite Star Trek battle because it actually takes place in three dimensions.
What about the rocks, though? It always seems like a starship is built around a massive quarry.
Depending on who you ask, it also means “I’m a Republican who has no issues with drugs and minors”.
Honestly, the No True Scotsman fallacy should be renamed the No True Libertarian. Ask one hundred libertarians what a libertarian is, and you’ll get two thousand different answers. So it’s no shock this guy “isn’t a real libertarian”.
Turning into? Sure, if you asked this back in the 80s.
universal healthcare won’t solve the issue, unless we can get costs under control.
But universal healthcare would get prices under control. You’re thinking completely backwards.
universal healthcare won’t solve the issue, unless we can get costs under control.
But universal healthcare would get prices under control. You’re thinking completely backwards.
The government actually has infinite money
Not that I’m saying we should throw money into these wars, but rather that we should have no issue taking care of healthcare and student debt.
Yeah, the latest news is that the government approved an emergency resolution to close AJ’s offices, but there’s nothing out in the public about it actually having happened yet.
W. This was just two months after 9/11, as his administration was gearing up to invade Afghanistan.
Threatening people always works out well in the end. /s
“These flyovers, air demonstrations and static displays, including the landing for the B-52 on the peninsula, are part of our continued pledge to promote peace, stability and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula,” U.S. 7th Air Force spokeswoman Maj. Rachel Buitrago said in a statement released by U.S. Forces Korea.
Ah yes, nothing says “pledge to promote peace” like flying a nuclear-capable bomber as a show of force.
Thank you for having good enough taste to not downvote. I take back half of what I said! lol
Yes, you’re strange for not loving EEAAO.
Seriously though, while you may have horrible taste, that’s ok. Everyone is allowed to have at least one fault and still be a good person.
Edit: yeesh, tough crowd around here. Seems my joke fell flat.
Have you tried Firefox Relay? They have a paid tier that gives you a phone number and unlimited email masks. Yes, you have to provide a number, and yes you have to pay, but you wouldn’t be giving Meta or Discord your contact info.
This means that children would never learn - at least not on their own, via social media - of these atrocities committed by Hamas. That would appear like a net positive for the Palestinian side.
That’s where your confusion is. This isn’t to hide what’s happening to make Hamas look good. This is about removing violent content. What the parent commenter and I are saying is that there’s no mention of the violence the IDF are perpetrating, as if it isn’t happening.
I’ve now reached a point where I’ve said it as plainly as possible. If you’re still not able to comprehend what’s being said after this, I don’t know what else to tell you.
I’m not sure how many times I can say it. The point is the singling out of one, and staying silent about the other. It’s about the hypocrisy. I’m not sure why this is so difficult, friend.
As long as he doesn’t kidnap some child and make Saru think it’s his.