Nice work! I tried this out a few months ago (maybe longer?) and it was still a bit too rough around the edges but I liked the concept. I’ll download it again today and give the new update a spin!
Nice work! I tried this out a few months ago (maybe longer?) and it was still a bit too rough around the edges but I liked the concept. I’ll download it again today and give the new update a spin!
Hold on, that’s not fair, we also use it to measure how much Coca Cola is in the bottle…hmm never mind that’s not helping… let me start over…we also use it for drugs! Wait, shit…
It looks like you have iOS Safari debugging turned on. Here’s the instructions I found from Apple to toggle it:
I found this info on this Apple developer documentation page: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safari-developer-tools/inspecting-ios
Same with Starfield. Biggest launch ever!! Well yeah no shit Sherlock it was free on gamepass for like 30 million people lol
Unfortunately I think this is exactly what Reddit wants. They want to be social media like Instagram or TikTok style. A lot more ad money from that crowd.
I know Reddit (and Lemmy) was always technically social media but I consider it more like Internet forums than the Facebook/Insta/TikTok style social media.
To be fair Apple also does this with the iPhone. The Pro is just the Premium one really, nothing really professional about it.
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly
Yeah if your blood cells would stop eating so much avocado toast maybe they could afford a house!
I guess I’m not important enough but I used a scrubber to replace all my messages to say I was going to Lemmy after all the recent changes to Reddit and last time I checked recently they were still edited. Maybe it helps I didn’t actually delete my account? I just edited all my comments and stopped interacting with Reddit completely.
Idk…telling lies to potential customers that you know to be bullshit to get money from them based on promises you know you’ll never deliver sure sounds like a scam artist to me:
(From the article)
Molyneux talked in interviews about the pressure to overpromise in order to secure funding, telling Tech Radar that “the behaviour is incredibly destructive, which is ‘Christ, we’ve only got 10 days to go and we’ve got to make £100,000, for fuck’s sake, lets just say anything’.”
At first probably just the nsfw instances since I’m not here for porn and foreign language instances since I can’t really interact with them anyway. That alone should help clean up my feed a lot. After that no idea, I’m normally fine just blocking individual communities but if I see an instance where I’m seemingly blocking all their communities, I’ll just block the instance.
This is really wholesome
I can link you that XBLA version if you want it again
Based on…basically all of their actions ever…I don’t think they actually understand their own site at all.
Remember RAID is not a backup! RAID is for increasing uptime and only happens to help protect data (in some cases) as a side effect. Make sure you have backups of anything important or irreplaceable on that drive, preferably offsite!
I’m pretty sure that at the time that photo was taken he was in the middle of running for political office and hiding the fact his money came from drug trafficking. I assume that look you described was exactly what he was going for.